Tuesday, March 28, 2017

5 Tips for Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance in Tempe

air conditioner maintenance in TempeYour air conditioning system is the most important piece of equipment that you own, keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. If you’re like most responsible homeowners, you want to make sure that your AC system is always there when you need it, and the best way to do this is to schedule annual air conditioner maintenance.

However, if you’ve never scheduled regular maintenance before, then you might be curious about what these maintenance tasks include and if you might be able to perform them yourself. Read five easy tips for air conditioner maintenance in Tempe, and find out why it’s a good idea to schedule regular checks from an HVAC professional.

Clean the Vents

One of the first things that you should do to make sure that your air conditioning system runs well into the future is to periodically clean your vents. If you don’t clean your air vents regularly, it’s very easy for dirt and dust to accumulate. Blocked air vents will impede airflow and cause your system to work much harder to achieve the same results. Every so often, make sure that your vents are unblocked and that air can flow freely.

Switch Your Air Filters

In a similar fashion to the vents in your system, your air filters can also become blocked due to dirt and dust build-up. This can make the air in your home very stale and can tax your system to a tremendous degree. Although cleaning your air filters is a good idea, you also need to occasionally buy new air filters. Changing your air filters can help keep your system functioning at its optimal capacity.

Check Your Refrigerant Levels

Every air conditioning system requires a refrigerant or coolant to control the temperature of your home’s air. Typically, the refrigerant in your system will be Freon. Without Freon, your AC cannot cool your air, which is why checking your refrigerant levels is an important part of annual air conditioner maintenance. Examine your refrigerant level, and make sure it’s at the right level. If not, then you’ll need to add more Freon to your system.

Examine Every Possible Airflow Restriction

As mentioned, airflow restriction is one of the biggest culprits of an underperforming air conditioning system. However, there are many more causes for restricted airflow than just blocked vent or air filters. Airflow can be restricted in any number of ways, including issues with your duct work and problems with your evaporator coil. Closely inspect your system and try to identify areas where your airflow might be restricted.

Calibrate Your Thermostat

The thermostat is perhaps the most important part of your air conditioning system. If your thermostat cannot effectively communicate with your AC unit, you will be unable to accurately control the temperature of your home. An important part of regular HVAC maintenance is calibrating your thermostat to make sure it is functioning properly. Calibrating a thermostat should be difficult, so it’s best to let a professional handle this task.

If you want to make sure that your annual air conditioner maintenance is done the right way, you should hire a Scottsdale AZ residential AC repair company to examine your air conditioning system. A repair company will know the most useful maintenance tasks that will keep your air conditioning system functioning the way you need.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

5 Tips for Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance in Tempe

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Using Trane Authorized Dealers in Scottsdale [5 Benefits]

Trane authorized dealersTrane makes some of the best home comfort systems that there are, and if you’re interested in installing a Trane HVAC system in your home, then you need to find the right resource for installation. Although there are many resources to install your Trane unit in your Scottsdale Arizona home, one of the best solutions is working with an authorized Trane dealer.

By purchasing your unit and scheduling your install from a Trane authorized dealer, you’ll be getting dependable professional experience and knowledge. Here are five benefits to using a Trane authorized dealer in Scottsdale and advice for installing an excellent Trane system in your home.

Count on Expert Knowledge

The biggest benefit of working with authorized Trane dealers is that you’ll be getting access to expert knowledge of Trane products. Dealers who are authorized by Trane to sell and install their products will have a top-level understanding of those same products. This mean that an authorized dealer can tell you everything you need to know about your top Trane options and answer any questions you might have.

Getting the Right Product for You

Not every Trane product is right for every home, which means you want to make sure that you get the right option for your home’s needs. Another benefit of trusting an authorized Trane dealer is that they will be able to tell you which Trane products will fit your specific needs. This is particularly important when it comes to sizing your air conditioner. If it’s too small, you won’t be able to cool your home effectively; too large, and you might be paying for more than you need.

An authorized Trane dealer will be able to help you pick the ideal HVAC unit for your home.

Work with Both Install and Service Professionals

Unlike other dealers you could work with, authorized Trane dealers will be able to handle both Trane installs and Trane AC repair. This means that you’ll have one point of contact for all of your air conditioning service needs. Being able to count on a single dealer for both installation and future repairs provide you with peace of mind and ensures that your system is being worked on by knowledgeable professionals.

Quality Customer Service

In order for a dealer to be authorized by Trane, that must maintain a high customer quality score. So, when you work with an authorized Trane dealer, you are guaranteed to get the high level of customer service that you deserve. This leads to a much more rewarding and stress-free shopping and installation experience. If you want dedicated customer service, you need to work with an authorized Trane dealer.

Security Comes from Standards

In addition to maintaining customer quality scores, Trane maintains standards that dealers have to abide by in order to be authorized. This benefits you, the consumer, because it means that an authorized dealer will always be working in your best interests so that they can maintain their authorization. It also gives you the peace of mind from knowing that your dealer is backed by one of the leading names in the air conditioning industry.

Now that you know why working with an authorized Trane dealer is important, you need to find Trane AC repair technicians in Scottsdale AZ. The right authorized technician can quickly repair your system or give it the regular maintenance that it needs.


Contact the Trane air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a new unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Using Trane Authorized Dealers in Scottsdale [5 Benefits]

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3 Causes of an AC Hot Air Problem from My HVAC Unit

AC hot air problemWhen you turn on your air conditioner, you expect to be cooled down in a manner of moments, which is what makes it so frustrating when only hot air comes out of your AC system. If you notice that your air conditioning unit is blowing only hot air, there are a few possible causes that you should examine to fix the problem.

By getting a few tips and a little professional guidance, you should be able to diagnose why hot air is blowing from your air conditioner. Read about some of the potential causes of your AC hot air problem and find out how you can get your system back up and running.

Check Your Liquid Levels

One of the most important factors that allows your air conditioner to blow cold air instead of hot is its Freon or refrigerant. If you notice hot air blowing from the AC unit, then one of the first things you should check is the level of Freon in your system. When your refrigerant level gets low, it makes it increasingly harder for your system to cold air, and often leads to AC air coming out hot. When your Freon runs out completely, there is no way for your AC unit to create cold air.

Fortunately, low or non-existent refrigerant levels are easy to correct, and topping off your refrigerant should return your system to full functionality. However, if you’re unsure where to check your Freon or how to refill it, you might need to schedule professional HVAC service.

Clean or Replace Your Air Filters

For your air conditioning system to function at its fullest capacity, air must be able to flow freely throughout your system, which requires clean air filters. While almost everyone knows that clogged air filters are a problem for air flow, they can also be an issue when it comes to hot air coming from your AC system.

When air cannot easily flow through your air filters, it causes the air to stagnate. This, in turn, causes the air to heat up, which can lead to hot air blowing from your air conditioner. Make sure that your cold air can flow unimpeded by periodically checking your filters. Clean them regularly and occasionally replace them, and you’ll be able to keep the cold air flowing.

Inspect Your Condenser Unit

The condenser unit is the most important piece of equipment that your air conditioner possesses, as it is responsible for your AC’s ability to alter the temperature of refrigerant and control the temperature in your home. When your condenser unit isn’t working correctly, it can cause your system to blow hot air instead of cold.

While some condenser problems may require repairing an HVAC unit, others are more simple to address. For example, if it gets dirty, a condenser will not function at its optimal level. If hot air comes from your system, check the condenser and clean it if it has accumulated a large amount of dirt or dust.

The best way to fix your AC system when only hot air is blowing is to schedule service from Scottsdale Arizona AC repair specialists. An AC repair expert will be able to quickly find the reason your system is blowing hot air and easily correct the issue.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a new unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Causes of an AC Hot Air Problem from My HVAC Unit

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bryant Air Purification System: Does it Really Work?

Bryant Air Purification SystemAs a homeowner in Scottsdale, one of the things you probably care about the most is keeping your home as clean as possible, and this commitment to cleanliness should extend to your home’s air. If you’ve been researching the best ways to improve the air quality in your home, then one of the solutions that you need to learn more about is the Bryant Air Purification system.

Bryant produces some of the best air purifiers on the market, capable of removing most contaminants and drastically improving the air quality in your home. Learn how a Bryant Air Purification System works, and find out if this is the right system to handle the air quality in your home.

What is the Bryant Air Purification System?

Simply put, the Bryant Air Purification system is one of the best solutions you could ask for if you’ve been searching for indoor air improvements. The Bryant system uses a carefully crafted air purifier that attacks the contaminants in your home’s air so it is as clean as you deserve.

The Bryant air purification system is effective at capturing up to 75% of organisms that are as small as .30 microns. This means that dirt, dust and even dangerous bacteria will be filtered out of your home’s air. In fact, the Bryant system has been shown to be effective against the germs that cause the common cold and the seasonal flu. Choosing the Bryant system is one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality.

How Does the Bryant System Improve Air Quality?

Now that you know what the Bryant system is, it’s time to learn how the Bryant system works. The Bryant system comes equipped with patented Capture and Kill technology that removes the majority of contaminants from your air—up to 96% of germs and mold will be eliminated with this system.

The reason that the Bryant system is so useful against common germs and bacteria is that it employs a high-quality MERV 13 filter. Not only does this filter work to cleanse the air in your home, it is also extremely long-lasting, saving you on replacement costs. In addition, the Bryant system’s slim design makes it easy to install in your home.

Should You Install this System in Your Home?

If you’re at all concerned with the quality of air that your family breathes, then you should definitely install a Bryant system in your Scottsdale home. As mentioned, the Bryant system fights influenza, the common cold and is even effective against strep, which makes this system the perfect tool for improving your family’s health.

Additionally, Bryant systems are much more effective than portable air purifiers, meaning installing this system will give you more convenience and cleaner air. Any Scottsdale homeowner that wants to improve their family’s respiratory health and the overall air quality in their home should consider installing a Bryant Air Purification System.

If you need help deciding whether you should install a Bryant system in your home, you need to consult with Scottsdale air purification specialists. An air purification professional will be able to tell you the benefits of using a Bryant system in your home and can help you arrange the installation of your purification system.


Contact the air conditioning duct experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about air purification systems. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Bryant Air Purification System: Does it Really Work?