Tuesday, May 9, 2017

3 Important Trane Air Conditioner Services for Optimal Efficiency

Trane Air Conditioner Services for Optimal EffeciencyIf you’re looking for a high-quality air conditioning unit for your home, there is no better option than a Trane. By choosing a Trane air conditioner, you’ll be getting a high-performance machine that can easily keep your home cool and comfortable. However, even the most reliable air conditioners need occasional service, and if you want to make sure your Trane unit provides optimal efficiency for years to come, you need to learn about the most effective services.

Here are three crucial Trane air conditioner services  that you need to schedule if you want your unit to run at its optimal efficiency.

Inspect Your Condensation Line and Pan Inspection

Through their normal functioning, there will be some moisture that develops within Trane HVAC units. However, too much moisture can damage an air conditioner and reduce its functioning. It is for this reason that a Trane AC includes a condensation line and drain pan. When working properly, the condensation line will collect moisture and direct it out of your unit, where it will be collected in the drain pan.

If either of these pieces malfunctions, it can cause excess moisture to infiltrate your unit, which makes regular inspections of both the condensation line and drain pan an important air conditioner service. Make sure that your condensation line is unblocked and that water can flow from it freely and ensure that your drain pan is level so that moisture cannot escape. These two tasks will help protect your unit and preserve its efficiency.

Check Your Blower

The most important part of your air conditioner is the AC’s blower. Without this piece, your air conditioner could not effectively circulate air in your home and you would be unable to get the level of comfort that you deserve. To make sure that your air conditioner runs at its optimal efficiency, you need to make sure to have your blower inspected regularly.

The most common problem that a blower can experience is dirt and debris affecting its functioning. With your unit shut down, check the blower for any dirt accumulation and clean it if necessary. You should also look closely for any signs of damage. Make inspecting your blower a part of your HVAC maintenance checklist and you’ll ensure that your unit runs well for years to come.


Your air conditioner contains many moving parts that must be allowed to move freely, which is provided by lubrication. However, over time, your system will run out of lubrication, resulting in a tremendous amount of friction and serious damage to your moving parts. If you want to make sure that your Trane air conditioner runs the way that you need, you will need to regularly add lubrication to any area where it is required.

Checking the lubrication levels and adding more lubrication as needed will preserve the functionality and efficiency of your HVAC system.

If you want to make sure your Trane unit runs at optimal efficiency well into the future, you need to schedule these services from Trane air conditioning repair specialists in Scottsdale. A Trane maintenance specialist will be able to perform common air conditioning services and keep your AC unit up and running.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about Trane services for your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Important Trane Air Conditioner Services for Optimal Efficiency

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

3 Life Changing Nest Thermostat Tips and Tricks

Nest Thermostat tips and tricksSmart home technologies are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners across the country, and one of the most exciting pieces of smart tech on the market today is the Nest Thermostat. A completely digital smart thermostat, the Nest thermostat can help to improve the energy efficiency of your home and make sure that your family always has their optimal level of comfort.

If you’ve been thinking about adding a Nest to your home, one of the most important things you can do is to learn about some of the amazing tips and tricks available to you with this system. Discover a few exciting Nest Thermostat tips and tricks and find out how this smart technology can make your life easier.

Pair Your Thermostat with a Fitness Tracker

If you’re a health-conscious person, then chances are you own some sort of fitness tracker. While fitness trackers are a great way to improve your habits and maximize your health, they can also be a fantastic solution for getting the most out of your heating and cooling system.

When you have a Nest thermostat in your home, you can pair it with your fitness tracker. Your Nest thermostat will use the sleep habit information gathered by your fitness tracker to adjust the temperature level in your home that it is ideal for sleep. Pairing your Nest thermostat with a Nest compatible fitness tracker improves your sleep and ensures that you’ll never have to get out of bed to adjust the temperature in your home.

Use Google Now

One of the most exciting factors of installing a Nest Thermostat in your home is having the ability to incorporate Google Now technology to add to your level of convenience. When combined with a Nest Thermostat, Google Now can help you maximize control of your air conditioning system and can increase your overall level of comfort.

For example, Google Now allows you to adjust your Nest temperature setting using only your voice. In addition, Google Now provides a GPS component that allows your Nest thermostat to track your location. This allows Nest to adjust your home’s temperature when you leave so that you save energy and then re-adjust your temperature to your ideal comfort level when it detects you are returning home.

Install Smart Vents

When a homeowner is interested in installing smart technology such as the Nest thermostat, one of their major goals is likely to improve their home’s energy efficiency. If you want to use your Nest thermostat to optimize your efficiency level, then you need to consider pairing your thermostat with Smart Vents.

With Smart Vents and Nest, you can individually control the temperature in each room of your home. This means that you can direct the energy used by your HVAC system wherever it is needed, reducing your overall energy costs. This can also ensure that every member of your family is as comfortable as possible, no matter the room.

When you’re ready to install a Nest thermostat in your home, you need to schedule an HVAC repair in Scottsdale AZ. A trusted local HVAC repair company can prepare your system for a Nest thermostat and can help you get the most out of this exciting smart technology.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Life Changing Nest Thermostat Tips and Tricks

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How Important are Air Conditioning Tune-Up Services?

air conditioning tune-up servicesIn your home, there is no more important piece of equipment than your air conditioner, and like any piece of equipment, your air conditioner needs regular professional services to stay working its best. Understandably, many homeowners resist scheduling regular tune-up services because of cost and convenience. However, if you want to make sure you get the most out of your air conditioning system, scheduling regular maintenance is of the utmost importance.

Before you schedule an air conditioner tune-up, it can be a good idea to learn about the many benefits of regular service. Read about the importance of air conditioning tune-up services and find out why your air conditioner needs inspection from an experienced contractor.

Maintain Your Efficiency

Over time, your air conditioner will experience a tremendous amount of wear and tear, and while most homeowners are aware this can result in expensive repairs, many people don’t understand that it can also reduce your AC unit’s efficiency. When there is a problem with your HVAC system, it can’t run at its optimal capacity, which can end up costing you big money on your energy bills.

Tuning up your AC can make sure that you are always getting maximum efficiency out of your HVAC system. Not only does this result in impressive energy savings, it also ensures that you and your family are at your ideal comfort level.

Detect Developing Problems

With air conditioners, just like with all of your home’s major systems, problems often go unnoticed until it’s too late. Small air conditioner problems have a way of turning into large disasters, possibly forcing you into covering expensive repair bills or even completely replacing your air conditioning unit.

The biggest benefit of scheduling regular HVAC maintenance is that your HVAC professional can detect these minor issues before the spiral out of control. During the course of a regular inspection, your technician will examine every major component of your air conditioner and will be able to identify any existing or developing problems. Catching these issues early on can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Increase Your Unit Lifespan

An air conditioner is one of the largest investments that you’ll ever make as a homeowner, often costing thousands of dollars to purchase the unit alone. Because installing an HVAC system is so expensive, you want to make sure that your unit lasts as long as possible, and this is perhaps the main benefit of serving your HVAC unit on a regular basis.

By scheduling regular service for your HVAC unit, you’ll be able to ensure that it lasts for its entire projected lifespan. Typically, an air conditioning unit will last between ten and fifteen years if properly maintained. If you’re the type of person who wants to make sure they protect their investments, having your air conditioner regularly inspected and maintenance is one of the smartest decisions you can make.

If you want to make sure your air conditioner lasts for years to come and runs efficiently, you need to schedule regular tune-ups from a Carefree HVAC repair company. When you work with the right repair company, you’ll be able to get the most out of your air conditioning system.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

How Important are Air Conditioning Tune-Up Services?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How Long Should an Air Conditioner Run During a Day?

how long should an air conditioner runYour air conditioner is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your home. Without a properly running air conditioner, you won’t be able to regulate the temperature of your home or keep your family comfortable. To make sure that their air conditioning system lasts as long as possible, many homeowners want to know how long their air conditioner should run during the day and how they can get the most efficiency out of their system.

Find out how long should an air conditioner run and find out what to do if your system seems to be running more than you would like.

Determining Cycles Per Hour

If you’re not experienced with the functioning of your air conditioning system, then you might not be aware that an air conditioner’s run time is measured in cycles. To effectively maintain the temperature in your home, your air conditioner should cycle two to three times every single hour. In mid weather, a cycle should only last for ten to fifteen minutes.

When it seems like your air conditioner is constantly turning on or off, it can mean you’re experiencing an air conditioner problem known as short cycling. If your air conditioner isn’t running the correct number of cycles, then you should think about scheduling Arcadia AC repair.

Length to Cool Your Home

When it comes to running an AC unit, many homeowners in Arcadia want to know how long it will take their air conditioner to cool their home. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is different for every home and air conditioning units used to help cool the home.

For example, factors that can influence how long it takes your AC unit to cool your home can include the size of your air conditioning unit, the size of your home, outdoor temperature conditions and how warm you’ve allowed your home to become before turning on your air conditioner.

However, if it seems like your air conditioner is taking too long to adjust your home to your set temperature, you may need to contact a repair professional. Air conditioners that struggle to cool a home may have a serious issue developing that shouldn’t be ignored.

Don’t Ignore a Continuously Running System

Now that you know about the regular cycling of your air conditioning system and the issues that can determine how long it takes to cool your home, there is one major problem that you need to be aware of: A continuously running air conditioner.

A continuously running air conditioner can mean big problems, both for your energy bills and the lifespan of an HVAC unit. Several issues could be causing your air conditioner to run non-stop, including a problem with your thermostat, damage to your evaporator coil or clogged air filters. If you cannot get your system to shut down, you should contact a repair professional to service your system.

If it seems like your air conditioner isn’t running like it should, your best solution is to contact an Arcadia AC repair company about your system. An air conditioner repair company will be able to fully inspect your air conditioning system and fix any problems that are causing it to cycle improperly. In addition, your AC technician can give you tips for how long you should run your system and what length of time you can expect before your home is cool.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

How Long Should an Air Conditioner Run During a Day?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Green Home Living: New Technology in the HVAC Field

new technology in the HVAC fieldOne of the most exciting trends for homeowners across the country is the use of green technology. While every area of your home can benefit from the use of green tech, perhaps the most beneficial use of green technology is in your HVAC system.

In recent years, there have been several exciting developments in green HVAC technology, and if you’re interested in improving the energy efficiency of your home, it’s important that you learn about these new technologies. Read about some of the best new technology in the HVAC field and find out how a plumbing contractor can help install this tech in your home.

Energy Analysis

Homeowners who are new to green living may be unaware of the level of energy inefficiency in their home. If you’re interested in using new HVAC technology in your home, then one of your best options is choosing energy analysis software. With energy analysis software, you can identify the inefficient areas of your home and work to improve these areas so that you can better live the green lifestyle.

The great thing about smart home technology for AC units is that it can be incorporated to your thermostat that so you can access information on your home’s HVAC efficiency. If you’re interested in making your home greener, you should be sure to consult Scottsdale AC technicians about the best way to use this technology in your home.

Quiet Duct Wrap

Many homeowners don’t realize that low energy efficiency usually stems from a problem with their home’s ductwork. Leaks in the ductwork in your home can result in a loss of airflow and a drop in your overall efficiency level, which is why one of the best pieces of home HVAC technology you should know about is Quiet Duct Wrap by The Green Products Company.

Made from landfill recovered denim, Quiet Duct Wrap is produced to be as green as possible. In addition, Quiet Duct Wrap can be used to line the ductwork in your home to seal any existing leaks and to improve your home’s level of efficiency. Installing Quiet Duct Wrap in your home is a great way to use green technology.

Thermally Driven

The majority of HVAC systems are powered by electricity, which is what allows them to be so efficient. However, if you’re interested in maximizing the efficiency of your home and using exciting new green technology, you should consider installing a thermally driven HVAC system. Instead of electricity, thermally driven HVAC systems run on a combination of gas and solar power.

In addition to costing a lot less than traditional HVAC systems, thermally driven systems are much more environmentally friendly, which is an important component of using green technology in your home. Also, since thermally driven systems use two power sources, thermally driven systems are base load capable.

If you’re interested in using any of these excellent pieces of HVAC technology in your home, contact Scottsdale HVAC technicians. An experienced HVAC technician will be able to tell you which pieces of green technology are right for your home and can help you plan an installation.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Green Home Living: New Technology in the HVAC Field

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

5 Tips for Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance in Tempe

air conditioner maintenance in TempeYour air conditioning system is the most important piece of equipment that you own, keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. If you’re like most responsible homeowners, you want to make sure that your AC system is always there when you need it, and the best way to do this is to schedule annual air conditioner maintenance.

However, if you’ve never scheduled regular maintenance before, then you might be curious about what these maintenance tasks include and if you might be able to perform them yourself. Read five easy tips for air conditioner maintenance in Tempe, and find out why it’s a good idea to schedule regular checks from an HVAC professional.

Clean the Vents

One of the first things that you should do to make sure that your air conditioning system runs well into the future is to periodically clean your vents. If you don’t clean your air vents regularly, it’s very easy for dirt and dust to accumulate. Blocked air vents will impede airflow and cause your system to work much harder to achieve the same results. Every so often, make sure that your vents are unblocked and that air can flow freely.

Switch Your Air Filters

In a similar fashion to the vents in your system, your air filters can also become blocked due to dirt and dust build-up. This can make the air in your home very stale and can tax your system to a tremendous degree. Although cleaning your air filters is a good idea, you also need to occasionally buy new air filters. Changing your air filters can help keep your system functioning at its optimal capacity.

Check Your Refrigerant Levels

Every air conditioning system requires a refrigerant or coolant to control the temperature of your home’s air. Typically, the refrigerant in your system will be Freon. Without Freon, your AC cannot cool your air, which is why checking your refrigerant levels is an important part of annual air conditioner maintenance. Examine your refrigerant level, and make sure it’s at the right level. If not, then you’ll need to add more Freon to your system.

Examine Every Possible Airflow Restriction

As mentioned, airflow restriction is one of the biggest culprits of an underperforming air conditioning system. However, there are many more causes for restricted airflow than just blocked vent or air filters. Airflow can be restricted in any number of ways, including issues with your duct work and problems with your evaporator coil. Closely inspect your system and try to identify areas where your airflow might be restricted.

Calibrate Your Thermostat

The thermostat is perhaps the most important part of your air conditioning system. If your thermostat cannot effectively communicate with your AC unit, you will be unable to accurately control the temperature of your home. An important part of regular HVAC maintenance is calibrating your thermostat to make sure it is functioning properly. Calibrating a thermostat should be difficult, so it’s best to let a professional handle this task.

If you want to make sure that your annual air conditioner maintenance is done the right way, you should hire a Scottsdale AZ residential AC repair company to examine your air conditioning system. A repair company will know the most useful maintenance tasks that will keep your air conditioning system functioning the way you need.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

5 Tips for Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance in Tempe

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Using Trane Authorized Dealers in Scottsdale [5 Benefits]

Trane authorized dealersTrane makes some of the best home comfort systems that there are, and if you’re interested in installing a Trane HVAC system in your home, then you need to find the right resource for installation. Although there are many resources to install your Trane unit in your Scottsdale Arizona home, one of the best solutions is working with an authorized Trane dealer.

By purchasing your unit and scheduling your install from a Trane authorized dealer, you’ll be getting dependable professional experience and knowledge. Here are five benefits to using a Trane authorized dealer in Scottsdale and advice for installing an excellent Trane system in your home.

Count on Expert Knowledge

The biggest benefit of working with authorized Trane dealers is that you’ll be getting access to expert knowledge of Trane products. Dealers who are authorized by Trane to sell and install their products will have a top-level understanding of those same products. This mean that an authorized dealer can tell you everything you need to know about your top Trane options and answer any questions you might have.

Getting the Right Product for You

Not every Trane product is right for every home, which means you want to make sure that you get the right option for your home’s needs. Another benefit of trusting an authorized Trane dealer is that they will be able to tell you which Trane products will fit your specific needs. This is particularly important when it comes to sizing your air conditioner. If it’s too small, you won’t be able to cool your home effectively; too large, and you might be paying for more than you need.

An authorized Trane dealer will be able to help you pick the ideal HVAC unit for your home.

Work with Both Install and Service Professionals

Unlike other dealers you could work with, authorized Trane dealers will be able to handle both Trane installs and Trane AC repair. This means that you’ll have one point of contact for all of your air conditioning service needs. Being able to count on a single dealer for both installation and future repairs provide you with peace of mind and ensures that your system is being worked on by knowledgeable professionals.

Quality Customer Service

In order for a dealer to be authorized by Trane, that must maintain a high customer quality score. So, when you work with an authorized Trane dealer, you are guaranteed to get the high level of customer service that you deserve. This leads to a much more rewarding and stress-free shopping and installation experience. If you want dedicated customer service, you need to work with an authorized Trane dealer.

Security Comes from Standards

In addition to maintaining customer quality scores, Trane maintains standards that dealers have to abide by in order to be authorized. This benefits you, the consumer, because it means that an authorized dealer will always be working in your best interests so that they can maintain their authorization. It also gives you the peace of mind from knowing that your dealer is backed by one of the leading names in the air conditioning industry.

Now that you know why working with an authorized Trane dealer is important, you need to find Trane AC repair technicians in Scottsdale AZ. The right authorized technician can quickly repair your system or give it the regular maintenance that it needs.


Contact the Trane air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a new unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Using Trane Authorized Dealers in Scottsdale [5 Benefits]

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

3 Causes of an AC Hot Air Problem from My HVAC Unit

AC hot air problemWhen you turn on your air conditioner, you expect to be cooled down in a manner of moments, which is what makes it so frustrating when only hot air comes out of your AC system. If you notice that your air conditioning unit is blowing only hot air, there are a few possible causes that you should examine to fix the problem.

By getting a few tips and a little professional guidance, you should be able to diagnose why hot air is blowing from your air conditioner. Read about some of the potential causes of your AC hot air problem and find out how you can get your system back up and running.

Check Your Liquid Levels

One of the most important factors that allows your air conditioner to blow cold air instead of hot is its Freon or refrigerant. If you notice hot air blowing from the AC unit, then one of the first things you should check is the level of Freon in your system. When your refrigerant level gets low, it makes it increasingly harder for your system to cold air, and often leads to AC air coming out hot. When your Freon runs out completely, there is no way for your AC unit to create cold air.

Fortunately, low or non-existent refrigerant levels are easy to correct, and topping off your refrigerant should return your system to full functionality. However, if you’re unsure where to check your Freon or how to refill it, you might need to schedule professional HVAC service.

Clean or Replace Your Air Filters

For your air conditioning system to function at its fullest capacity, air must be able to flow freely throughout your system, which requires clean air filters. While almost everyone knows that clogged air filters are a problem for air flow, they can also be an issue when it comes to hot air coming from your AC system.

When air cannot easily flow through your air filters, it causes the air to stagnate. This, in turn, causes the air to heat up, which can lead to hot air blowing from your air conditioner. Make sure that your cold air can flow unimpeded by periodically checking your filters. Clean them regularly and occasionally replace them, and you’ll be able to keep the cold air flowing.

Inspect Your Condenser Unit

The condenser unit is the most important piece of equipment that your air conditioner possesses, as it is responsible for your AC’s ability to alter the temperature of refrigerant and control the temperature in your home. When your condenser unit isn’t working correctly, it can cause your system to blow hot air instead of cold.

While some condenser problems may require repairing an HVAC unit, others are more simple to address. For example, if it gets dirty, a condenser will not function at its optimal level. If hot air comes from your system, check the condenser and clean it if it has accumulated a large amount of dirt or dust.

The best way to fix your AC system when only hot air is blowing is to schedule service from Scottsdale Arizona AC repair specialists. An AC repair expert will be able to quickly find the reason your system is blowing hot air and easily correct the issue.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a new unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Causes of an AC Hot Air Problem from My HVAC Unit

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bryant Air Purification System: Does it Really Work?

Bryant Air Purification SystemAs a homeowner in Scottsdale, one of the things you probably care about the most is keeping your home as clean as possible, and this commitment to cleanliness should extend to your home’s air. If you’ve been researching the best ways to improve the air quality in your home, then one of the solutions that you need to learn more about is the Bryant Air Purification system.

Bryant produces some of the best air purifiers on the market, capable of removing most contaminants and drastically improving the air quality in your home. Learn how a Bryant Air Purification System works, and find out if this is the right system to handle the air quality in your home.

What is the Bryant Air Purification System?

Simply put, the Bryant Air Purification system is one of the best solutions you could ask for if you’ve been searching for indoor air improvements. The Bryant system uses a carefully crafted air purifier that attacks the contaminants in your home’s air so it is as clean as you deserve.

The Bryant air purification system is effective at capturing up to 75% of organisms that are as small as .30 microns. This means that dirt, dust and even dangerous bacteria will be filtered out of your home’s air. In fact, the Bryant system has been shown to be effective against the germs that cause the common cold and the seasonal flu. Choosing the Bryant system is one of the best ways to improve indoor air quality.

How Does the Bryant System Improve Air Quality?

Now that you know what the Bryant system is, it’s time to learn how the Bryant system works. The Bryant system comes equipped with patented Capture and Kill technology that removes the majority of contaminants from your air—up to 96% of germs and mold will be eliminated with this system.

The reason that the Bryant system is so useful against common germs and bacteria is that it employs a high-quality MERV 13 filter. Not only does this filter work to cleanse the air in your home, it is also extremely long-lasting, saving you on replacement costs. In addition, the Bryant system’s slim design makes it easy to install in your home.

Should You Install this System in Your Home?

If you’re at all concerned with the quality of air that your family breathes, then you should definitely install a Bryant system in your Scottsdale home. As mentioned, the Bryant system fights influenza, the common cold and is even effective against strep, which makes this system the perfect tool for improving your family’s health.

Additionally, Bryant systems are much more effective than portable air purifiers, meaning installing this system will give you more convenience and cleaner air. Any Scottsdale homeowner that wants to improve their family’s respiratory health and the overall air quality in their home should consider installing a Bryant Air Purification System.

If you need help deciding whether you should install a Bryant system in your home, you need to consult with Scottsdale air purification specialists. An air purification professional will be able to tell you the benefits of using a Bryant system in your home and can help you arrange the installation of your purification system.


Contact the air conditioning duct experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about air purification systems. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Bryant Air Purification System: Does it Really Work?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ultimate Arizona Heat Pump Maintenance Checklist

heat pump maintenance checklistFor many Arizona homeowners, the heating and cooling solution of choice is a heat pump. Choosing a heat pump means getting fantastic energy efficiency and being able to control the temperature in your home effectively. However, despite the extreme utility of heat pumps, they still need regular, preventative maintenance to make sure you don’t experience big problems down the line.

If you’re interested in learning how to maintain your heat pump over a long period of time, there are a few tasks that you should prioritize to make sure your home is always at its optimal temperature. Read this heat pump maintenance checklist so that you can make sure the heat pump in your home is always functioning the way that you need and deserve.

Examine Your Thermostat

One of the most important parts of preventative maintenance plans for heat pumps is to make sure that your thermostat is working the way that it should. When your thermostat is broken, it can’t communicate with your heat pump, which means you have no way of setting the temperature in your home. If your heat pump does not respond to your thermostat, it may mean you need to schedule heat pump repair.

Lubrication is Key

Although heat pumps do not have as many moving parts as other heating and cooling solutions, they do have a few moving pieces that can experience wear and tear over time. To make sure that these parts function as long as possible, you should check periodically to make sure that they are properly lubricated. Maintaining a heat pump is easy when you keep your moving parts lubricated.

Keep the Electricity Flowing

If your heat pump simply will not turn on no matter what you do, a likely cause is a problem with your electrical connections. Make sure that all wires, both inside and outside of your house, are hooked up securely, and be certain that the breaker that powers your heat pump is in the on position. If none of these solutions work, then you should probably consider Scottsdale heating repair.

Clean Your Components

The blower component of your heat pump is one of the most important pieces your system possesses and is responsible for circulating the air in your home. If no air is coming from your system, even when your heat pump is clearly on, it usually indicates a problem with the blower component. Regularly make sure that your blower is working and that it comes on whenever your heat pump is active.

Check Your Air Filters

For your heat pump to work at its optimal level, air must be able to move freely throughout your home, and this can be a problem if you have clogged or dirty air filters. A simple and affordable heat pump maintenance task is to regularly clean and replace the air filters within your home, which will ensure air can move unobstructed.

Take a Look at the Heat Exchanger

The main functioning of a heat pump is to move warm air inside and outside of your home, and this action is powered by the heat exchanger. If your heat exchanger doesn’t work, neither will your heat pump. During any maintenance check, be sure that you or your technician inspect the heat pump to make sure that it is working.

To make sure that your heat pump maintenance checklist includes the proper tasks, you need to hire a knowledgeable Scottsdale residential heat pump repair company. Your repair company can go over maintenance tasks with you and help you keep your heat pump up and running.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Ultimate Arizona Heat Pump Maintenance Checklist

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

How Much is a Heating System Repair Cost in Tempe?

heating system repair cost in TempeIf the heating system in your Tempe home is no longer working the way that you need, it might be time for a heating repair. Unfortunately, if you’ve never had to repair your heating system before, you might be worried about how much you’ll have to pay to get your system back up and running.

While you might not realize it, repairing a heating system in Tempe is not as expensive as you’d think, and can actually be very cost effective, provided that you target the right repairs and work with an experienced heating technician. Learn about the average heating system repair cost in Tempe and discover some common problems your heating system could face.

The Average Cost of Heating Repair

When you’re examining the cost of repairing your broken heating unit, it’s important to understand the average costs of a heating system repairs. While almost every repair job has its own specific requirements, there is a typical price range that you can expect when your heater stops working.

Generally speaking, repairing your Tempe heating system can cost about $160 on the low end and $400 on the high end. While $400 is a steep price for many homeowners, it’s well worth it when you consider how expensive other home repairs can be, not to mention the fact that a well-functioning furnace can actually save you money on energy costs.

Factors that Influence Heating Repair Services

As with any major home repair, the final cost of fixing your broken heating system can be influenced by several factors. Understanding these influences is a great way to get an idea of what your final costs may be and to give yourself a little peace of mind.

The biggest indicator of how much your repairs will cost is how severely your heating system is damaged. If the damage is minor, your costs will be low and your maintenance job is likely to be quick. On the other hand, more extensive wear and tear will result in a much higher price and more time for your heating repair technicians to work on your system.

Another factor to consider is if your heating system is still under warranty. If your warranty is currently valid, your heating system repairs should at least be partly covered, reducing your final bill amount.

Watch Out for a Few Common Heating System Problems

An important part of being a homeowner is being prepared for the potential heating problems that your heating system could encounter, which is also a good way to get an idea of the costs of repairing your system should something go wrong.

For instance, if your heater won’t come on, it could mean thermostat problems or your electrical connections, both of which can be very expensive depending on the extent of the problem. Other possible issues your heating system could face include inadequate heating, your system being on but no air blowing and problems with your pilot light if you use a gas furnace.

The best way to learn about the costs of repairing your heating system is to get in touch with trusted heating repair technicians in Tempe AZ. After a quick examination, your technician will be able to tell you what’s wrong with your heating system and how much it will cost to repair.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

How Much is a Heating System Repair Cost in Tempe?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Arcadia Gas Furnace Venting Options [Resource Guide]

Arcadia gas furnace venting optionsIf you’re like many homeowners in Arcadia, then the tool that you’ve chosen to heat your home is a gas furnace. There are many reasons that homeowners love gas furnaces, including impressive heating power and a high level of energy efficiency. However, there is one important factor of using a gas furnace that many homeowners fail to take into consideration: ventilation.

The combustion process that makes a gas furnace run also produces emissions that must be vented out of your home. Fortunately, there are three great venting solutions that you could choose for your home, meaning you need more information to help decide which is right for you. Read about a few Arcadia gas furnace venting options so you can pick the right heating solution for your home and your family.

Learn About a Natural Vent

The most common form of ventilation is known as a natural vent. Natural vents use convection to vent harmful emissions from your furnace into the air outside of your home. A natural vent system works by using a flue pipe attached to your gas furnace that extends vertically into your roof. Because the emissions created during the combustion process are very warm, they will naturally rise into the flue pipe, up to your roof and out of your home.

However, there are some drawbacks to natural vents that you should be aware of, especially the risk of back-drafting. Because natural venting uses a single b-pipe, it is easy for emissions to be back drafted into your home. Not only does this affect the efficiency of your furnace, it can also pose a risk to your family’s health.

The Benefits of a Direct Vent

If you’re worried about the potential negatives of using a natural venting system with your gas furnace, a better option is to choose a direct vent. Arcadia homeowners love direct vent systems because they eliminate the possibility of back drafting and come with versatile installation options.

A direct vent system uses two pipes, one to bring in air necessary for combustion and a second, smaller pipe that is used for ventilating emissions. In addition to maintaining the integrity of the air in your home, direct vent systems can also be installed both vertically or horizontally, whichever works better for the needs of your home.

What is a Sidewall Power Vent?

If you’re looking for a very affordable option for venting your gas furnace, one of your top considerations should be a sidewall power vent. This venting system combines a traditional sidewall pipe with an exhaust fan to make sure that all of the combustion emissions produced by your furnace will be vented outside of your home.

Many homeowners choose to install a sidewall power vent to replace an older, non-functioning chimney. When you use a sidewall power vent, this system almost always activates before your furnace starts running so that no emissions can escape into your home.

If you need help choosing the right venting solution for your gas furnace, you should consider working with Arcadia gas furnace repair specialists. A quality repair specialist will be able to examine your home and tell you which venting solution will be most effective.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Arcadia Gas Furnace Venting Options [Resource Guide]

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

3 Best Types of Gas Furnaces for Arizona Homes

types of gas furnacesFor homeowners in Phoenix looking to heat their homes efficiently and effectively, there is no better solution than a gas furnace. Modern gas furnaces provide a high level of efficiency and big heating power, providing the level of comfort that your family needs and deserves.

However, like every major purchasing decision, it’s important that you do your research before buying a new gas furnace, which includes learning about the top gas furnace manufacturers on the market today. With the right information in hand, you’ll be able to pick the perfect heating solution for your family. Here are the best types of gas furnaces that you could choose for your home, and information about heating efficiency levels that you need to know.

Choose a Lennox Furnace

If you’re looking for one of the most well-known furnace producers in the country, then you should seriously consider installing a Lennox gas furnace in your home. One of the most trusted names that there is, Lennox produces several high-quality gas furnaces that will fit into your budget while providing you with the top-level efficiency that you need.

For example, if you’re looking to save money on your energy bills, you might want to pick a model from the Lennox Signature or Elite series, whose top options provide AFUE ratings between 97 and 98.7. Additionally, the majority of Lennox models are Energy Star rated, offering the proficient, money saving heating ability that is the mark of an excellent gas furnace.

Nothing Stops a Trane

When you’re planning on installing a new furnace in your home, you want a model that will perform under the toughest conditions imaginable. If you’re looking for a furnace that offers both impressive performance and extreme durability, then one of your best gas furnace options is to choose a Trane. Trane products, including their furnaces, are known for their toughness and are an excellent choice when you need a furnace that will last for years to come.

Trane produces a wide range of furnace options, including modulating and two-stage furnaces, and all of their models come with the signature Trane durability and performance, as well as efficiency ratings of up to 97.3%. As the saying goes, nothing can stop a Trane.

Depend on Bryant Furnaces

Choice is one of the keys when you’re ready for a furnace installation in Arizona, which means you need to find a manufacturer that provides options to fit the need of every home. If you want to pick from some of the best gas furnaces the market has to offer, then you need to consider choosing a Bryant gas furnace.

Bryant produces three excellent series of furnaces—Evolution, Preferred and Legacy—all of which offer a top level of efficiency and varying functionality. When you pick a Bryant furnace, you’ll be able to heat your Arizona home with the greatest of ease.

Once you’ve selected the right manufacturer and the right gas furnace for your Arizona home, your next step is to get in touch with an experienced Scottsdale gas furnace installation company. A quality furnace installer will be able to advise you about the right furnace for your needs and install it in the best way possible.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Best Types of Gas Furnaces for Arizona Homes

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Residential Heating Repair: Emergency vs Routine

residential heating repairYour home’s furnace is one of the most important pieces of equipment that you own, keeping your family comfortable throughout the coldest months of the year. Because you rely on your furnace so much, it can be very stressful when your heating unit needs repair, especially if you don’t know whether it’s an emergency repair or a routine heating repair.

Luckily, with the right tips, you can easily distinguish between routine and emergency repairs so that you can plan the right course of action. Here are a few tips for residential heating repair and hints for deciding whether you need emergency service or a routine maintenance check.

What to Do if Your Unit Won’t Come On

One of the most frustrating situations that you can face when it comes to your furnace is trying to turn on your unit and getting no response. If your heater won’t turn on no matter what you do, it is almost always an emergency situation that deserves immediate repair. Whether it’s a problem with your electrical system or your furnace itself, a furnace that won’t turn on is a big problem that you shouldn’t ignore.

Your Unit is On, But Only Blows Cold Air

Another common reason that homeowners seek heating repair in Scottsdale is turning on their heating system and having only cold air come from the vents. As with a furnace that won’t turn on, a Scottsdale, Arizona furnace that only blows cold air generally points to a big problem with your unit, warranting emergency furnace repairs. If your furnace only blows cold air, make sure to contact a service expert right away to check your unit for problems.

Pay Attention to Electrical Smells

The first time you turn on your furnace for the winter season, it’s normal to notice smells as your furnace burns of accumulated dirt and dust after months of disuse. However, if you turn on your furnace and detect an electrical burning odor, then you may be facing a serious and possibly dangerous furnace situation.

Electrical burning smells can mean a problem with the wiring of your furnace, which can cause dangerous and deadly fires. If you smell electrical burning, schedule furnace repair in Arizona immediately.

Listen for Odd Noises

A concerning situation for any homeowner is heating an odd noise coming from their furnace. While this can be disconcerting, odd noises from your furnace usually only require routine maintenance. However, because there are several causes for strange furnace noises, fixing a furnace should be left to the professionals to make sure your unit is repaired properly.

Feel for Air Pressure

If you ever notice that your system is performing as well as you’d like, then the culprit may be something very simple — an air leak or an air blockage. When your furnace is on, put your hands next to a vent and feel for the air pressure. If your airflow seems low, check your filters for blockages and your ducts for leaks. These routine maintenance checks should keep your furnace up and running throughout the year.

Schedule a Seasonal Check-Up

As with every important piece of equipment in your home, your furnace needs seasonal maintenance. Although seasonal check-ups can be intimidating if you’ve never scheduled them before, they’re actually quite normal, and are vital part of routine furnace maintenance. Scheduling seasonal check-ups can catch small problems and make sure you don’t need emergency repairs.

If you think you need furnace repairs, whether emergency routine, you need contact a Scottsdale residential heating repair company to handle the job. Working with the right repair company will make sure your home and your family are completely comfortable.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Residential Heating Repair: Emergency vs Routine

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

7 Heat Pump Maintenance Tips for Your Carefree Home

heat pump maintenance tipsHomeowners across Carefree have chosen heat pumps to regulate the temperatures in their home. Heat pumps are some of the most energy efficient, versatile heating solutions that there are, providing total comfort all year long. However, like any heating system, your heat pump will eventually need maintenance, which means you might be interested in learning how to care for your heat pump in the best way possible.

With the right preparation, you should be able to maintain your heat pump so that it lasts season after season. Learn seven easy heat pump maintenance tips that will help you preserve both your heating system’s health and the constant comfort of your family.

Swap Your Filters

A typical cause of heat pump problems is a lack of airflow within your system. Without unrestricted air flow, your heat pump cannot function at its optimal level. If you notice a lack of heating efficiency, an easy heating pump tune-up tip is to change out your filters. Swapping your old, clogged filters for new ones will increase your home’s airflow and allow your heat pump to run unencumbered.

Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

If you’re looking for hints for maintaining your heat pump, or looking to solve problems like your heat pump only blowing cold air, then one of your best sources for guidance is your heat pump’s manufacturer. Check your owner’s manual to learn the best ways to care for your heat pump so that your Carefree Arizona home is always at the right temperature.

Deep Clean The Unit

Heating pump repair involves several important tasks, but the one that can be very effective at fixing your unit is deep cleaning your heat pump. Many heat pump problems are caused by blockages that keep its parts from functioning normally. By giving your heat pump a deep clean, you should be able to ensure optimal functioning at all times.

Clear the Area

As mentioned in the previous section, it’s possible for your heat pump to build-up obstructions that interfere with its operation. Because cleaning your heat pump can be difficult, it’s best to prevent these blockages by clearing the area surrounding your heat pump. Remove dirt, debris and other potential hazards to preserve your heat pump and keep it clean.

Check Your Registers

The heating registers in your home guard your vents and prevent debris from entering your heating system. Over time, however, your registers can accumulate dirt and dust that can clog them completely and tax your heat pump. Periodically clean your heating registers to guarantee unimpeded air flow and a fully functioning heat pump.

Examine the Thermostat

Some problems with your heat pump may stem from an issue with your thermostat, especially if the wiring has gone bad or become disconnected. If your heat pump does not respond to your thermostat, check your connections to make sure your system is communicating properly.

Feel Around the Unit

Making sure that your heat pump runs the way you need and deserve is a matter of constant vigilance, which means you need to regularly check that your pump is working correctly. When your heat pump is on, feel around the unit to see if the right level of hot air is coming from your heat pump. If not, then you should be sure to schedule heat pump maintenance in Carefree from a reliable local company.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

7 Heat Pump Maintenance Tips for Your Carefree Home

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How Does a Heat Pump Work with a Furnace?

how does a heat pump work with a furnaceFor homeowners across Arizona, one of the most important decisions to be made is what kind of system they’ll use to heat their home and keep their family comfortable. The difficulty, however, is in knowing which heating system is right for you. If you’re unfamiliar with how heating systems in Arizona work, then you might be wondering how a heat pump and a furnace work together to keep your home warm and toasty.

Fortunately, with the right guidance, you can easily learn about heat pumps, furnaces and how you can effectively heat your home. Learn how does a heat pump work with a furnace and discover what heating option you should choose to keep you and your family in complete comfort.

Think Replacement, Not Combination

The answer to how do heat pumps and furnaces work together is actually quite simple: they don’t. A heat pump and a furnace are two completely separate heating systems that homeowners can choose. Deciding which of these options is right for you is dependent on a few issues, but the most important one is probably the size of your home.

For example, if you have a larger home, then you might prefer a furnace so you can be sure that every room is heated to the level you want. On the other hand, for homeowners looking for a simple and effective solution for heating a home, heat pumps make a great choice.

Add a Heat Pump to Any Forced Air System

Perhaps the biggest advantage of replacing your old furnace with a heat pump is a matter of versatility. Although you might not realize, a heat pump can be retrofitted into any existing forced air system, potentially reducing your overall labor costs and shortening the amount of time it takes to install your new heat pump in your home.

A forced air system is a means of air distributions. Homes with forced air systems have ductwork and vents connected to a device like a furnace, heat pump or air conditioner in order to transfer air throughout the home and control the temperature. If you have a forced air system in your home and are considering installing a heat pump, ask Scottsdale heating technicians about your installation options and possible costs.

Heat Your Home Efficiently

A common worry of homeowners considering replacing their furnace with a heat pump is if they’ll be getting the level of heating efficiency that they deserve. Well, never fear, because heat pumps are one of the most effective heating solutions on the market and make for a perfectly suitable furnace replacement.

For starters, heat pumps are very easy to install, giving them an edge on furnaces in this category. Secondly, heat pumps are very energy efficient, lacking the requirement of a fuel source like you would expect out of a gas furnace. Simply put, heat pumps are a great choice for every homeowner throughout Scottsdale.

When you’re ready to update your home with a new heating system, your first step should be to consult with Scottsdale heat pump experts. Your heat pump expert can give you installation tips and help you pick the perfect heat pump for your home.


Contact the heating repair experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing furnace or heat pump. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

How Does a Heat Pump Work with a Furnace?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Much Does It Cost to Install a Furnace in Tempe?

how much does it cost to install a furnace in TempeAs a conscientious Tempe homeowner, you like to make sure that you’re investing your money as wisely as possible, and this holds particularly true when it comes to purchasing major comfort systems like a furnace. A furnace is one of the biggest and most important purchasing decisions that you’ll ever make as a homeowner, which makes it crucial that you get a better idea of the total costs of installing a new furnace in Tempe Arizona.

Find out how much does it cost to install a furnace in Tempe and learn a few of the factors that can influence your installation final price.

Where Will Your Furnace Be Located?

Like most important decisions in your life, one of the prevailing issues when it comes to installing a furnace, both in terms of cost and utility, is where your heating unit will be located. For example, certain areas in your home such as an attic will be very difficult to install a furnace and will limit the amount of usefulness that you’ll get out of your unit.

The more difficult the install location, the higher your installation costs will be. Pick the right location, on the other hand, and you’ll be able to keep your costs low.

Choose the Right Time of the Year

Another factor to consider that can greatly impact your final furnace cost is what time of year you’ve chosen for installation. The winter months, when demand for heating units is particularly high, might mean that you end up paying a lot more for a furnace installation than you would during other times of the year.

In addition to looking for sales and deals, you should try to schedule your new furnace installation for the warmer months, which should serve to reduce your final price. If you’re having trouble deciding when’s the right time to install your furnace, talk to an installation professional for advice.

Consider Your Labor Costs

When planning a project like installing a furnace, there is one cost area that many homeowners fail to prepare for: Labor. Furnace installations are extremely complicated, which usually means you’ll need the services of a Tempe furnace installation company to help with the job. As you might expect, the longer your installation takes, and the more difficult your job, the higher your labor costs can be.

The key in managing the labor costs of your furnace installation is partnering with a trusted local company. A reputable installation company will be able to complete your project quickly and at the price that you want.

Total Costs Can Depend on Your Furnace Brand

Now we come to the most important point, which is the actual heating unit cost that you can expect when planning a furnace installation. The cost of your heating unit will be most affected by what brand of furnace that you choose to install. Certain furnace brands can end up being very pricey, tremendously adding to your final installation costs.

Although you want to make sure you’re purchasing a reliable furnace from a trusted brand, it’s a good idea to shop around a little bit so that you make sure you’re getting the price point that you deserve.


Contact the Tempe heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

How Much Does It Cost to Install a Furnace in Tempe?

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

3 Reasons an Attic Furnace Installation in Arcadia is Bad

attic furnace installation in ArcadiaThe most important factor in installing a new furnace in your Arcadia home is picking the perfect installation point. Because most furnaces are large and unsightly, many homeowners look for an out of the way installation location, causing many to choose the attic. However, while it may seem like a good idea to install your furnace in your attic, this is one of the worst locations you can choose, and may cause you a lot of stress down the line.

Here are three reasons that you should avoid an attic furnace installation in Arcadia and advice for making sure your furnace installation is successful.

Energy Loss

When you’re thinking about installing a furnace in your Arcadia, AZ home, you want to make sure that your furnace heats your home as effectively and efficiently as possible, and if efficiency is your top goal then installing a furnace in your attic is one of the worst decisions that you could make.

Where cold air sinks, warm air rises, which means that your furnace needs to be installed in a lower area of your house of optimum heating. If you install your furnace in your attic, the heat will struggle to make it down into your home, causing high energy bills and a home that isn’t as comfortable as you deserve.

Maintenance Difficulties

After making a major purchasing decision like buying a furnace, most homeowners hope that their unit will work well into the future without the need for major repairs. Unfortunately, furnace breakdowns do happen, which means you need to make sure your furnace easily accessible to maintenance experts.

The biggest drawback to installing a furnace in an attic is that the inability to service your furnace simply. Attics are often very cramped, which will make it extremely difficult for your service technician to repair your furnace if it ever breaks down. Make sure you choose a furnace placement that allows for easy repairs.

Pick the More Efficient Unit

As previously mentioned, the key in heating a home successfully is making sure that your heating unit is as efficient as possible. What many people don’t realize is that there are two different style of furnaces available — vertical and horizontal — and one is much more efficient than the other.

For sheer efficiency, vertical furnaces are the right choice. However, when you’re installing a furnace in the attic of your home, you usually have a small amount of height available, which means you’ll have to install a lower efficiency horizontal furnace. As you can see, if efficiency is what matters most to you, installing your furnace in the attic is a poor choice.

Avoid an Attic Furnace Installation in Arcadia

Now that you know to avoid an attic furnace installation in Arcadia, you’re more ready than ever before to schedule your furnace installation in Arcadia AZ. Besides picking the perfect installation location for your new furnace, you need to make sure that you work with a trusted installation company. The right furnace installers will be able to make your project as stress-free as possible, and will quickly install the effective home heating solution you’ve been looking for.


Contact the heating repair experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a furnace for your home. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

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3 Reasons an Attic Furnace Installation in Arcadia is Bad