Tuesday, December 27, 2016

10 Gas Furnace Maintenance Tips for Tempe Homeowners

gas furnace maintenance tipsAs the cold air of winter rolls in, one of the most important tasks facing homeowners all over Tempe is to get their furnace ready for increased usage. Fortunately, furnace maintenance isn’t as hard as you might imagine it to be. In fact, with a few expert tips and the right tools at your disposal, you can actually give your furnace the comprehensive maintenance that it needs to efficiently regulate your home’s temperature.

When you prepare your furnace for the stresses of winter, you won’t have to worry about inconvenient outages and long, cold nights. Learn about a few gas furnace maintenance tips that can help you get your furnace ready for the stress of winter so that you stay comfortable.

1. Safe Work Environment

The very first step for successful gas furnace maintenance in Tempe is making sure that your work environment is as safe as possible. Before beginning your tune-up, make sure that your furnace is completely shut down. A little time for safety at the start can prevent big problems down the line.

2. Check the Gas Line Connection

As you would imagine, the most important component of your gas furnace is the gas line, making this the best place to start when it comes to maintenance. Check for furnaces gas line and make sure that it is secured firmly, which will eliminate the possibility of dangerous gas leaks in the future.

3. Give Your Filters a Cleaning

An important part of your furnaces overall functioning is unrestricted air flow, which means you need to make sure your filters are as clean as possible. With a duster or a dusting cloth, remove any dirt and debris that may have accumulated.

4. Change Your Filters

Periodically, even if you regularly clean them, you need to replace the old air filters within your system. Replacing your worn filters will go a long way towards maintaining a gas furnace. Although this can vary, gas furnace experts recommend replacing your filters every six months or so.

5. Inspect Your Thermostat

The thermostat is crucial in controlling your furnace, and maintaining your system is reliant on having your thermostat function properly. Check your thermostat to make sure everything is in working order.

6. Watch Out for Bad Wiring

Faulty wiring within a furnace can result in an improperly functioning system and potential electrical fires. To avoid both of these stressful scenarios, you should check all the wiring to your furnace, looking for any fraying that might indicate faulty wiring.

7. Clean Your Ducts

The ductwork in your home’s heating system is a breeding ground for mold, leading to breathing problems for your family. A good maintenance tip is to occasionally clean the ductwork within your heating system to make sure it is free from dirt, debris and biological growth.

8. Sealing and Replacing Ductwork

Leaks within your ductwork can cause air loss within your system and result in your furnace becoming overworked by trying to compensate. During your maintenance check, make sure to examine your ductwork, sealing any leaks you come across and replacing ducts that are beyond repair.

9. Clear the Vents

Clogged vents within your heating system can lead to an improperly regulated home and some rooms that are cooler than others. Go through your home and clean all of your vents, removing caked on debris that can block air flow.

10. Finish Up with the Fans

Finally, the last thing you should do in your gas furnace maintenance is to clean your furnace’s fans. If the fan blades become covered in dirt, it can be hard for them to rotate, taxing and eventually shutting down your system. Clean fan blades mean a fully functional furnace and a comfortable home.

While it’s possible for you to handle furnace maintenance yourself, a better idea is to schedule professional Tempe gas furnace tune-up services. A furnace professional will be able to quickly check your system and perform the important maintenance tasks that lead to long-term efficiency.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for the winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

10 Gas Furnace Maintenance Tips for Tempe Homeowners

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Arcadia Electric Furnace Installation [5 Must-Ask Questions]

Arcadia electric furnace installationHomeowners in Arcadia have almost limitless options for effectively heating their home, but one of the most cost-conscious choices is an electric furnace. Electric furnaces are easy to use, simple to install and highly efficient, sometimes massively lowering your energy bills. However, if you’ve never gone through an electric furnace installation before, it can be helpful to have a list of questions to ask your installation professional about the process.

With the right questions in hand, you’ll be able to guarantee that you get the most benefits possible out of your installation. Learn five questions to ask when considering an Arcadia electric furnace installation to make sure your home is always as comfortable as possible.

Getting the Best System for Your Needs

Before beginning your electric furnace installation, it’s important that you get the right system for your home. Heating systems are actually extremely varied, which means that you need to choose the right system for your home’s needs. If you’ve never chosen a heating system before, your installation professional can be an invaluable source of information.

Consulting with a professional prior to installation will make sure that you get the system that will be most effective at heating your home.

What Size Unit is Right for You

Contrary to what you might believe, not every electric furnace is suitable for every home. In fact, if you purchase an undersized furnace, then you might have trouble heating your home to your desired level. When talking with your Arcadia AZ heating technicians, it’s important to ask them what the right unit size is for your home.

Choosing the right heating unit size means keeping your home comfortable and possibly saving money on future energy bills.

Time to Get the Job Done

Home improvement projects can be a major disruption to your everyday life, especially if it takes an extended amount of time to complete. When installing an electric furnace, make sure to ask your installation professional how long your job might take to finish. Knowing at the start of the project how long you’ll have to wait for completion can reduce your stress level and make sure that your furnace installation is more rewarding overall.

Possibility for Savings

Electric furnace installations can end up being a lot more expensive than you might imagine, which is why you need to be on the lookout for ways to save money. Your furnace installer can actually be a great source for finding deals on your electric furnace. A good installation professional will be able to tell you where to get the best materials at the best prices.

Signing Up for a Regular Maintenance Program

Because installing a furnace is such a large investment, it’s important that you protect your investment as much as possible. The key to keeping your furnace running for years to come is getting regular maintenance, which is why you should ask your installer if they offer a regular maintenance program. Enrolling in a maintenance program will ensure that your furnace continues to run smoothly and saves you big money on future repairs.

Now that you know the right questions to ask your electric furnace installer, the only thing left to do is find the right Arcadia electric furnace installation company. Working with a great installation company can make your furnace install as easy and stress-free as possible.


Contact the heating repair experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a furnace for your home. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Arcadia Electric Furnace Installation [5 Must-Ask Questions]

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Furnace Service Scottsdale: 5 Experts Tips

Furnace Service ScottsdaleThe key to keeping your furnace running whenever you need it is to do a little regular maintenance. However, if you’ve never tried to service your furnace before, it can be hard to know exactly what you should do to give your unit the maintenance that it needs.

Fortunately, maintaining your furnace is a fairly straightforward process, especially with the right tips at your disposal. Spending just a little time on your furnace now will save you big problems in the future. Learn five expert tips for furnace service in Scottsdale that will keep your unit up and running so that you and your family are always at peak comfort.

Listen for Strange Sounds

The first step in maintaining your furnace is to identify potential problems that warrant repair. Although there are many ways you can detect issues with your furnace, one of the best signs is strange or loud noises coming from your system.

Clunking, banging or grinding noises coming from your furnace can all mean you’re looking at a serious issue that needs immediate repair. Listen to what your furnace is telling you and you’ll be able to avoid big problems down the line.

Make Sure to Clean Regularly

Like most of your home’s major systems, a good way to keep your furnace functioning the way you need is to keep it clean. Cleaning a furnace regularly will help to avoid typical wear and tear that can result in long-term damage to your unit that may cause an outage.

When cleaning your furnace, making sure to remove dirt and debris from the area directly surrounding your unit, as well as any build-up on the interior. Regular cleaning will make sure your furnace runs as efficiently as possible.

Plan for Routine Maintenance

While you should be able to handle most furnace service tasks yourself, some jobs require a professional touch. Making sure that your furnace lasts as long as possible is much easier when you schedule a furnace tune-up from a professional furnace service in AZ.

Your furnace professional will be able to detect any developing problems and fix them before they turn into larger issues. Not only will this save you a great deal of money on repair costs, it will keep your furnace running all year long.

Switch Out Your Air Filters

One of the primary causes for your furnace malfunctioning is restricted airflow. Before you look for more serious causes of this particular problem, you should consider changing out your old air filters.

Clogged air filters can tremendously tax your system and reduce its overall efficiency. Luckily, installing new air filters is the quick and affordable solution to fixing your airflow issues and making sure your heater runs at its optimal level.

Check Your Thermostat for Problems

Finally, a good tip for keeping your furnace running is to make sure that your thermostat is working properly. Many furnace problems are actually an issue with your thermostat, and fixing your thermostat is often a much simpler solution than a full furnace repair.

Checking to see if your thermostat is properly communicating with your furnace can fix most issues with the way your furnace is functioning.

Schedule Furnace Service Scottsdale

If you follow the above hints for furnace service, you should be able to keep your furnace running for years and decades into the future. However, if you feel like you could use some professional help, make sure you hire the right Scottsdale furnace specialists. The right furnace tech will be able to give your furnace the maintenance it needs to function properly no matter the conditions.


Contact the heating repair experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your furnace ready for winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

Furnace Service Scottsdale: 5 Experts Tips

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cracked Heat Exchanger Repair vs. Replacement

cracked heat exchanger repairThe heat exchanger is the most important part of your heating and cooling system, allowing heat to transfer between mediums to keep your home at the optimal temperature. However, if a crack develops in your unit’s heat exchanger, then you might be looking at either an expensive repair or replacement.

If you’ve never had a problem with your home’s heat exchanger, it can be hard to know whether you need a new unit or if a repair will do. Learn whether you need to replace your heat exchanger or if you should schedule a cracked heat exchanger repair for your heating system.

Look for Soot Build-Up

It is normal for your heat exchanger to produce soot through its normal functioning. However, the soot should not remain in your unit, meaning that you should pay close attention to soot build-up. If you notice a good deal of soot build-up inside your heat exchanger, it is a sign of a serious crack that warrants replacement.

When your heat exchanger starts working below its optimal level, you should first check for the presence of soot, which will clearly show you whether you’re looking at a repair or a total replacement.

Pay Attention to Water Leakage

Although there will always be water within your heat exchanger, it should stay within your system and not leak. If, however, you notice water leakage from your heat exchanger, it is almost always a sign of a crack within your unit.

Fortunately, the existence of a water leak does not always mean that you’ll have to replace your heat exchanger. If only a small amount of water is leaking from your unit, it means that the crack is small and your unit does not need to be replaced and only needs regular heating repair Scottsdale.

Don’t Ignore Carbon Monoxide Build-Up

Carbon monoxide is one of the most dangerous gasses that there is, causing untold harm if allowed to accumulate in your home. While your heat exchanger will naturally produce some carbon monoxide, it should be safely contained within the unit until it is vented.

If you suspect a problem with your heat exchanger, check the flue pipe for carbon monoxide build-up, and if you detect high levels, it means that your exchanger is cracked and needs immediate replacement.

Is the Smoking Agent Leaking?

A good way to detect the presence of cracks throughout your heating system, including in your heat exchanger, is through the use of a smoking agent. The extent to which the smoking agent leaks out of your system will give you a good idea of the size of your crack and will let you know whether you’re looking at a repair or a replacement.

If only a small amount of the smoking agent leaks from your exchanger, it means the crack is minor and you can usually leave it be.

Check the Color of Your Flame

Finally, the best indicator that you need a new heat exchanger is the color of your pilot light. If your exchanger is working properly, your pilot light should be a bright blue color. However, if the flame is a yellow-orange color, or is erratic, then it means a big issue with your heat exchanger that usually means you’ll need to replace your unit.

Schedule Cracked Heat Exchanger Repair

If you decide that your unit needs a repair, it is crucial that you work with a reliable Scottsdale heating exchanger repair company. The right company will be able to examine your system and identify areas that need attention, and can even help you fix the issue should the need arise.


Contact the heating unit experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your heat exchanger repaired. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

Cracked Heat Exchanger Repair vs. Replacement

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Carefree Heat Pump Repair: What No One Tells You About

Carefree Heat Pump RepairHeat pumps are one of the most useful tools for regulating the temperature in your home. However, not many people are familiar with ins and outs of heat pumps, including what to look for when you need a repair.

Fortunately, unlike other heating and cooling systems, there are a number of quick fixes that can get your heat pump back in working order if it ever stops working the way you need. Here are a few things no one tells you about Carefree heat pump repair that will help you keep your unit running quickly and easily.

Check Your Thermostat

Most people think of thermostats only in terms of adjusting their home’s temperature. However, the thermostat in your home is actually the most important part of your heating system, sending signals throughout your system and expertly regulating the temperature.

Thermostats are actually very delicate tool, and even the smallest problem can throw your entire heating system out of whack. Before you commit to repairing or replacing your home’s heat pump, you should make sure your thermostat is working properly. Not only will checking your thermostat fix most problems with your heat pump, it’s much easier than other repair tasks.

Look for Loose Panels When You Hear a Strange Noise

Everybody knows that strange noises coming from your heating system are usually a cause for worry. What you might not know, however, is that sometimes those strange noises are actually just a loose part instead of something more serious. One of the easiest common fixes for heat pumps is to check the panels throughout your system to make sure they’re secured tightly.

Over time, it’s very easy for the screws of your system’s cover panels to become loose. When this happens, it can result in the panels shifting as your system runs, possibly causing a noticeable rattling sound. If you notice noises coming from your system, the first thing you should do is make sure your panels are secure.

Examine Your Filters

If your heat pump starts working as efficiently as possible, one of the primary causes may be restricted airflow within your system. Although restricted airflow can mean a serious issue in some cases, it also may be a sign of something as simple as clogged, dirty air filters.

If you’re considering repairing a heat pump in Carefree Arizona, you should first check the status of your air filters. If they’re dirt, then you should switch them out for new ones. A fresh air filter may completely solve your problem at a fraction of the price of a full repair.

Get Peace of Mind with Carefree Heat Pump Repair

If your heat pump goes on the fritz, you want to get it back in working order as quickly and easily as possible. Fortunately, as we have seen, there are a number of simple fixes that will return your heat pump to its normal functioning without the necessity of major repairs.

However, if none of these tips work, then you should consider partnering with an expert Carefree AZ heat pump repair company. Working with a trusted local repair company means having your heat pump work whenever you need it, giving you and your family total peace of mind.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heat pump for winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

Carefree Heat Pump Repair: What No One Tells You About

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

3 Signs You Need Emergency Heating Repair in Arcadia

emergency heating repair in ArcadiaIdeally, the furnace in your home will run quietly in the background, regulating the temperature in your home and keeping your family comfortable. Unfortunately, sometimes your furnace will suffer problems that come out of nowhere, causing unforeseen outages and expensive repairs.

If you’re not familiar with common problems your furnace can run into, then it can be hard to detect the warning signs of an emergency repair in your future. Fortunately, if you know what to look out for, you can get your furnace the repairs it needs.

Watch out for these signs that you need emergency heating repair in Arcadia and make sure your heating system doesn’t go out when you need it the most.

Your Heater Only Blows Cold Air

Under normal circumstances, you’ll turn your heater on and immediately feel warm air coming from your vents. However, if you try to turn your heater on and only cold air comes out, it usually means a serious problem with your heating system.

Because there is no one surefire cause for your heating system blowing only cold air, it’s best to consult a professional as soon as you notice the problem. With the cold winter months coming up, having no heat can turn into a very serious situation in a matter of hours, meaning you need to get emergency repairs to make sure your system blows the hot air you need.

Nothing Happens When You Turn Your Heater On

Even more stressful than turning on your heater and having no heat come out is turning on your heater and having nothing happen at all. While this is rare, having your heater not respond at all when you adjust the thermostat is a very serious issue, usually meaning a large problem with the inner workings of your heating system.

If you try to turn your heater on and nothing happens, you should call an emergency furnace repair service right away. A problem of this magnitude usually requires a full inspection, which means you need your technician to get started as soon as possible.

There Are Strange Noises Coming from Your System

We’re all familiar with the sound of our heaters kicking on, signaling that our system is working properly. However, if you notice unusual noises emanating from your heating system, particularly a noisy furnace, this is usually a good sign that something has gone wrong.

Of particular worry are clanking and thudding noises, which usually means one of the major parts of your heating systems is malfunctioning and may soon fail completely. The minute you notice a strange noise coming from your heating system, it’s a good idea to call a repair service to identify the cause of the noise and the potential risk to your system.

Find Emergency Heating Repair in Arcadia

If you experience an unexpected heating outage, it can be a very stressful situation. As the weather turns colder, you want to make sure your heater stays running, even if you need emergency service. When you’re looking for emergency heating repair, you should hire a local Arcadia AZ heating repair company to handle the job.

A trusted local repair company will be able to visit your home in emergency situations and fix whatever is wrong with your heater so that your family stays safe and warm.


Contact the heating experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to repair your heating unit for winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Signs You Need Emergency Heating Repair in Arcadia

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Do I Need to Be Winterizing Air Conditioning Units in AZ?

Winter is fast approaching, bringing with it the cold weather that can wreak havoc on your home’s major systems. Most homeowners in Arizona winterize their homes to protect it from the stresses that cold weather brings, but very few include their air conditioner in their winterizing checklist.

While you tend not to use your air conditioner during the colder months, you still need to make sure it’s ready for the changes in temperature. This way, when things heat up in the spring, you are less likely to run into any issues. Winterizing air conditioning units is one of the most important things that you can do as an Arizona homeowner.

Winterizing is More Important than You Think

Winters in Arizona are typically fairly mild, AC unit winter preparation isn’t high on the list of priorities for most homeowners. However, just because Arizona doesn’t seemingly get that cold, this doesn’t mean that your AC unit won’t be affected by the temperature change. Any drop in temperature can be dangerous to the health of an air conditioner if it’s not properly prepared.

Doing a little preparatory maintenance before the outside temperature falls is a good idea to preserve the health of your system. Don’t let your air conditioner be caught unprepared by a relentless cold snap.

Reduce Cost by Getting Between-Season Service

Every homeowner knows that their air conditioner needs periodic maintenance to ensure that it continues to run smoothly. However, what many people don’t realize is that there is an ideal time to seek AC maintenance in Scottsdale: the off-season. When the seasons begin to change from warm to cool, you can get great deals on air conditioner maintenance.

Not only will this make sure that your air conditioner is ready for any sudden temperature drops, but it can also save you a great deal of money. Off-season maintenance is great idea for savvy, cost conscious Arizona homeowners.

Clean Your Unit After Big Weather Events

As mentioned, Arizona doesn’t typically experience harsh winters, but that doesn’t mean that our state is free from extreme weather events. Both monsoons and haboobs are of serious concern to Scottsdale homeowners, and such can be damaging to outdoor air conditioning units. After a serious weather event, cleaning your AC unit is a good idea to maintain proper functioning.

Remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during these intense storms to keep your air conditioner running properly. While this may not fall strictly under the category of winterizing, cleaning your air conditioner regularly is still a good idea.

Switch to Your Furnace if the Temperature Drops

Sudden temperature drops can be very damaging to your air conditioner because of the threat of freezing. In order to prevent freeze damage to your air conditioner, you should make sure to switch over to your furnace when it seems like the weather is getting very cold. Using your furnace will preserve the health of your system throughout any unforeseen cold snaps, saving you on possible repair costshttp://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/heating-and-cooling/repair-an-ac-unit/ .

Winterizing Air Conditioning Units is Easier with Expert Help

While you may not have considered it before, winterizing your Scottsdale air conditioner is very important to the overall health of your HVAC system. Winterizing your system gives you peace of mind and makes sure your air conditioner is ready when you need it.

To make sure that winterizing your AC unit is done right, you should partner with an expert Scottsdale AZ HVAC maintenance company. AC experts will get your unit ready for the winter quickly and effectively.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your unit ready for winter. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

Do I Need to Be Winterizing Air Conditioning Units in AZ?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

3 Residential Indoor Air Quality Testing Questions to Ask

residential indoor air quality testingMaintaining the air quality in your home requires constant vigilance, making sure your system is up to snuff all year long. The most important task in keeping your home’s air quality high is making sure that all your ducts are sealed, preventing dirt, debris and allergens from infiltrating your air.

To make sure that the job of sealing ducts is done correctly, many Scottsdale homeowners choose to partner with an air conditioning professional. However, what many people don’t know is that there are a few questions to ask, to make sure you’re getting the best service possible. Keep reading to learn three questions you should ask your AC professional when undergoing residential indoor air quality testing.

Know Who is Performing the Test

Like any project related to your home, it’s important that you know exactly who is working on the project and if they have the experience necessary to complete the job. When you’re planning on sealing air ducts in Scottsdale, make sure that you hire an AC professional who has a track record of successful duct work and improving air quality.

You want to make sure that your family can breathe easy, which makes it crucial that you work with a professional who has the knowledge base and ability to improve your home’s air quality. Knowing who is working on your duct system ensures that the job is done right the first time around.

Find Out What Tests Are Being Performed

Many homeowners don’t realize that the process of a residential air duct sealing is actually one that’s very involved, encompassing several steps and tests to ensure the high quality of the air in your home. Make sure that you know exactly what steps your technician is taking to identify and seal leaks.

Beyond a simple visual inspection, ask them what other air quality tests they are using on your ducts. For example, are they planning on using the smoke test to find hidden leaks? If not, then why? These are the kinds of questions you should present to your AC tech to be sure you understand their processes, and that you are getting quality service.

Can Sealing Ducts Improve Your Air Quality?

Although this question is last on the list, it’s usually the first thing that homeowners want to know about a duct sealing. Does sealing your ducts really improve indoor air quality? Without any qualifications, the answer is yes. Sealing your air ducts helps to make your home more resistant to the allergens, dust particles and other environmental factors that can cause breathing problems for you and your family.

If you feel like the air quality in your home has dipped, sealing your ducts should be your first step in addressing the problem. Your air conditioner professional can give you more information about how sealing your ducts can improve your home’s air quality.

Schedule Residential Indoor Air Quality Testing

With fall just around the corner, one of your primary concerns is making sure that your home’s air quality is as high as possible. While there are a lot of things you can do to address indoor air quality, the most effective is sealing the ducts of your air conditioning system.

Making sure that your ducts are free of leaks will greatly improve your home’s air quality. One of the best ways to make sure your family breathes comfortably throughout the year is by hiring a Scottsdale indoor air quality specialist.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about the air quailty in your home. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

3 Residential Indoor Air Quality Testing Questions to Ask

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How to Find Air Duct Leaks in Your Scottsdale Home

how to find air duct leaksAs a cost-conscious homeowner, you want to make sure that your home is as efficient as possible, and this includes your air conditioner. However, it can be easy to ignore this appliance, and when your air conditioner unnoticeably runs below peak efficiency, it can result in a very frustrating situation. The main culprit in air conditioner inefficiency is air leaks within your system, causing heat and air loss, alongside increased energy bills.

Addressing these air leaks early on will ensure maximum air conditioner performance and the low energy costs that you need as a homeowner. Learn how to find air duct leaks so that your Scottsdale air conditioner is running at its peak efficiency all year long.

Find Leaks with Professional Help

If you don’t have a lot of experience working with your AC system, finding duct leaks in your home can be an extremely difficult task. You may not know what to look for or even how to fix a leak effectively when you do locate one. The best way to find and repair all the leaks in your air conditioning system is by working with an AC professional.

An air conditioning expert will be able to closely examine your ductwork in your home, locating and sealing all the leaks that are taxing your system and causing inefficiency. Working with a professional makes the process of sealing ducts in Scottsdale AZ much easier.

Closely Inspect Your Vents

If you feel like you’re capable, detecting leaks yourself isn’t actually that hard when you know what to look for. The best way to detect leaks in your air conditioning system is through a simple visual inspection. Of particular importance are the duct joints within your system.

Examine the joints for any signs of cracking or other damage. Flaking or broken sealant is usually a good sign that your system is experiencing major leaks. When you find leaks on any or all of your duct joints, seal them as tightly as possible to prevent further leaks and increase your air conditioner’s efficiency level.

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

Sometimes a visual inspection isn’t enough to detect all of the leaks that your air conditioning system might hold. To find every leak in your duct system, you may need to use the smoke or incense test. During this test, you completely shut down and vent your system, eliminating any blowing coming from the ducts.

Once that is done, hold up a stick of incense or a smoking candle near suspected leak points. If the smoke blows around instead of accumulating, then it means that you have a leak in your system which needs a repair. Using the smoke test will give you clear evidence of any leaks in your system and will show you the starting point for repairs.

Learn How to Find Air Duct Leaks with Expert Help

When your air conditioning system is experiencing leaks, it can be one of the most aggravating situations you’ll find yourself in as a homeowner. Air leaks can severely affect your system, resulting in long-term wear and tear, paired with increased energy bills. To make sure that you find and repair every leak in your system, your best bet is to partner with Scottsdale air duct technicians. Working with an expert technician will ensure both the health of your system and the kind of efficiency that you want.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about sealing your air ducts correctly. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

How to Find Air Duct Leaks in Your Scottsdale Home

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Central AC Replacement Cost: When Should I Get a New Unit?

Central AC Replacement CostIn Arizona, having a fully functioning central air conditioner is important, keeping our families comfortable all year long. Unfortunately, there will come a point when your tried and true air conditioner needs replacing. When replacing any central air conditioner it can be expensive so, many homeowners wonder exactly when they should get a new unit and how much they should pay for it. By looking out for a few tell-tale signs, you will know when it’s time replace your central air conditioner and how to get the best central AC replacement cost possible.

Watch Out for Frequent Repairs

When it comes to certain items, such as a car or a central air conditioner, there is a point where you’re throwing good money after bad, getting diminishing returns for expensive repairs. One of the best ways to tell that you should consider replacing an AC unit is the necessity of frequent repairs. Needing constant, emergency maintenance to stay operational is a good sign that your air conditioner is on its last legs. To avoid extended outage times and uncomfortable temperatures, you should replace your unit before it stops working for good.

Time Your Purchase for Better Pricing

Like everything else in life, deciding to replace your central air conditioner is a matter of timing. You want to get the best unit at the best price, which means buying at the right time. What many homeowners don’t realize is that an AC unit install in Scottsdale is much cheaper when you buy your unit and schedule an installation during the off-season. When the weather is cooler, not many people are buying or using air conditioners, making this a great time to get amazing deals on the cost of a new AC unit, which you aren’t likely to find during any other time of the year.

Your Unit Takes Longer to Cool Your Home

More than any other factor, your air conditioner needs to be efficient. An efficient AC unit will cool your home in a short amount of time and maintain that comfort even when the outside temperatures rise. A big indicator that it might be time to replace your air conditioning unit can be the lengthening in the amount of time it takes your unit to cool your home.

If it seems like it takes much longer than usual for your air conditioner to regulate your home’s temperature, then it usually means your aging system is facing an imminent failure. When your air conditioner starts to have trouble cooling your home, it might be time for a replacement.

Pay Attention to Excess Noise

Ideally, your air conditioner will run quietly in the background, cooling your home without being noticed. However, if you start hearing strange HVAC noises coming from your vents, or from the unit itself, then you should seriously consider getting a new air conditioner.

Noises coming from your unit, such as banging or clanking, often indicate a major malfunction. While these issues can sometimes be repaired, it is usually more cost-effective in the long run to purchase and install a replacement unit.

Get an Affordable Central AC Replacement Cost

After years of reliable service, there will come a time when you’ll need to replace your air conditioner with a new unit. More than any other factor, you’ll want to schedule an installation from a trusted central AC replacement company in Scottsdale. Your air conditioner professional will be able to install your new unit correctly, and at a great price, giving you the peace of mind that you want and deserve.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about installing a new unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

Central AC Replacement Cost: When Should I Get a New Unit?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Lennox Heating and Air Conditioning Units [Selection Guide]

Lennox heating and air conditioning unitsSelecting the right heating and cooling system for your Arizona home is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as a homeowner. You want to choose products that have a long track record of success and are guaranteed to provide you with the perfect combination of performance and energy efficiency. While there are a lot of heating and air conditioning products you could choose from, the premier brand that Arizona homeowners return to time and time again is Lennox. Lennox products are made to last, to keep your home at the perfect temperature all year long; and when you use Lennox products to set up a whole home comfort HVAC system, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without these excellent products.

Read on to learn more about Lennox heating and air conditioning units and find out how you can get them installed in your Arizona home.

How Does a Whole Home Comfort HVAC System Work?

When people hear the term ‘HVAC’, they normally only think of their home’s air conditioning system. However, an HVAC system actually comprises every aspect of your home’s heating and air conditioning, and can accurately be called a whole home comfort system. Whole home comfort systems are comprised of four equally important units: A thermostat, a furnace, a heat pump or air conditioner and some sort of indoor air quality control unit. Working together, these four units regulate the temperature in your home so that you and your family are always as comfortable as possible and that you’re getting the most out of your HVAC system.

When you’re looking at setting up your whole home comfort system, it is important that you choose an AZ HVAC installation company that offers the best products, and the only products that homeowners in Arizona should consider are Lennox HVAC units. 

Why Lennox?

There is only one reason that you should choose Lennox products for your HVAC system: history. Lennox has been in operation for over 110 years, offering our customers the top quality heating and air conditioning products that they deserve. However, we’re not content to sit on our laurels, always striving to improve our products and services in whatever way we can. When you choose Lennox products, particularly in the effort of setting up a whole home comfort system, you’ll want the best possible equipment that comes with a rock-solid guarantee and the highest Energy Star ratings possible, giving you both the utility and energy savings that you want and need.

During the process of setting up your whole home comfort system with Lennox products, you will have a wide variety of top-of-the-line units to choose from, making it important to learn a little more about the components you will be choosing for your system. 

Lennox Furnace

First, let’s talk about the furnace in your HVAC system. Most homeowners believe that furnaces fall into the category of one size fits all, but this couldn’t be further from the truth, especially when it comes to Lennox furnaces. Unlike standard, single-stage furnaces, Lennox Furnaces, using Precise Comfort Technology, offer you the kind of flexibility and unit efficiency that you want out of your whole home comfort system. Where typical furnaces only have two settings—full power or stand-by—Lennox furnaces can operate anywhere from 35% to 100% capacity, meaning they can maintain your homes perfect temperature at all times and preventing you from constantly turning your furnace on and off. This is especially important during the times of the year with massive temperature swings. 

Lennox Air Conditioner

Much like furnaces, standard air conditioners do not offer their users a large amount of flexibility and usage. Most air conditioners offer either single-stage or two-stage set ups, which can make for wild swings when adjusting the temperature inside of your home. Lennox air conditioners, on the other hand, provide the kind of customization that is important to home owners living in the often extreme climate of Arizona. Using the same Precise Comfort Technology that powers Lennox Furnaces, Lennox Air Conditioners have an operating range of between 35% and 100% capacity that can be adjusted a single percent at a time, making for stable, custom temperatures and the kind of comfort you should expect from your HVAC system.

When your AC technician visits for your central air conditioner install, they can advise you on how to best use your air conditioning system for maximum comfort and efficiency. 

Lennox Heat Pump

For homeowners in Arizona, sometimes a better choice for the cooling component in their whole home comfort system is a heat pump. Heat pumps are great choices because they offer homeowners both a high-level control of their homes temperature and the kind of energy efficiency that you want out of your cooling system. Depending on the climate that you live in, your heat pump will either be paired with an air handler or a gas furnace. Lennox Heat Pumps are available in either the Signature or Elite series, both of which offer you excellent performance and top-quality efficiency. 

Lennox Thermostat

While many homeowners may not realize it, choosing the right thermostat for your HVAC system is just as important as all of the other units, and thanks to modern technology, a home’s thermostat is much more than just the controls of your system, especially when you choose Lennox’s iComfort or ComfortSense series of thermostats. The iComfort series is especially beneficial, automatically adjusting your home’s temperature to make sure you’re comfortable at all times—it can even adjust your home’s temperature based on what the outside temperature feels like, rather than what it reads. Choosing a Lennox Thermostat for your whole home comfort system means having an optimal level of control so that you can keep your home at the temperature you want. 

Lennox Indoor Air Quality

Last, but certainly not least, in your HVAC system is your air quality control units. Lennox offers you a number of great options to improve your home’s air quality so that your family can breathe easy at all times. Some of the most common options that are customers choose are air filtration systems, humidity controls and energy or heat recovery ventilation systems. Using all three in concert can make for some of the purest air that you could hope to have. When planning your HVAC system install, your AZ HVAC installation company will be able to tell you which Lennox Indoor Air Quality options are right for your home.


Contact the Lennox air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your new AC unit installed. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


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Lennox Heating and Air Conditioning Units [Selection Guide]

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

HVAC Safety Float Switch Installation [3 Benefits]

HVAC safety float switch installationAir Conditioning is vital during the dog days of summer or all year round in warmer climates. Many air conditioning units serve dual functions and also work as humidifiers. These functions require a special switch to help them move between these duties. In this article, we will explain the benefits of HVAC safety float switch installation.

What is the Purpose of an HVAC Safety Float Switch Installation?

Air conditioners are machines that use the phase conversion process to operate. In the phase conversion process, one substance changes into another substance. Air conditioners convert liquid to gas, and they use the gas to cool buildings. The air conditioner absorbs the heat in the atmosphere and removes the moisture. The evaporator coils remove moisture through refrigerant compounds built into the coils of the air conditioner. Condensation occurs as the moisture evaporates within the conditioner. To remove this moisture, a drain pipe is connected to the unit to siphon out the water collected in the unit. The drain pipe is connected to a pan that holds the water before it gets drained.

Sometimes, the drain pipe does not work properly. It may become clogged with dirt and debris causing it to no longer remove the water effectively. A safety float switch prevents the drain pan in the unit from overflowing when the AC unit quits working properly.

Reduce Water Damage

The safety switch uses a built-in microscopic plug to deactivate the compressor unit. The compressor controls the condensation process in the air conditioner. The tiny plug floats when the drainage pipe is collecting too much moisture, and the plug signals the deactivation process.

By using a safety float switch, you prevent water damage on your property. The debris collected in the pipe can cause it to leak or burst which will cause deterioration of the pipe, walls and your air conditioning unit.

The Danger of Mold Growth

Any area that collects moisture is susceptible to mold growth. Air conditioning units are no exception to the rule. Microbial spores can gather and grow in the drainage pipe or pan and spread to other areas, including the wall. Not only is mold unattractive to look at, but it’s also a safety hazard. Mold removal is another problem that you may have to deal with if you have a leaky AC unit. A safety float switch will eliminate the possibility of this happening.

Save Money by Preventing Damage

Water Damage is a major concern of air conditioning units. A moldy or leaky drainage pipe or pan can break down your unit causing major structural damage. Water can leak into your wall, destroying your air conditioner and the wall itself. To prevent water leaking from the AC unit, install a safety float switch. You will save yourself lots of money in the long run.

Safety switch installation is also fairly inexpensive and simple to activate. A round gauge triggers the switch. It is an easy, cost-effective way to maximize the life and efficiency of your AC unit. Moreover, Tempe Arizona HVAC installation technicians are available to assist you with the installation.


Contact the Tempe air conditioning installation experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your new AC unit installed correctly. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

HVAC Safety Float Switch Installation [3 Benefits]

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

AZ Monsoon Season Ending: What Now for Your AC Unit?

AZ monsoon seasonAfter two long months, monsoon season in Arizona is almost at an end. While this extremely wet time of year has its advantages, the prolonged, often intense rains can have serious effects on your home, including air conditioning units. Although a/c units are specifically designed to withstand the stresses of life outdoors, monsoon season is a different beast from the typical Arizona weather, and once the season is over it’s likely that your unit needs a little dedicated attention to restore normal function. Fortunately, with a little patience and some help from a/c experts, it’s not as hard as you might think to bring your a/c unit back up to speed after an intense season.

Keep reading to learn about what’s next for your a/c unit after the long AZ monsoon season and how you can get maintenance help.

Make Sure Your Unit Isn’t Damaged

Once the Arizona summer monsoons have passed, it’s normal to take stock of the long-term damage to your property. The intense wind and rains associated with monsoons can have serious effects on basically every area of your home, and this includes your a/c unit. When you’re examining your home for monsoon-related damage, make sure to include your air conditioner in this process. First, check your unit for any noticeable cosmetic damage, such as to the vents or fan blades. If everything is in order on the exterior of your unit, it’s time to take a look at the inside.

Ensure that all of the wiring and piping is still firmly connected and in working order. Finally, look for any excess moisture within your unit, which is extremely likely following monsoon season.

Remove Any Debris from Around Your Unit

Other than the rain, one of the biggest threats during monsoon season are extreme winds, which can cause serious damage, particularly to trees. Debris that’s often associated with monsoons can seriously interfere with the normal functioning of your AC unit, and removing this debris should be your next step in checking your air conditioner after monsoon seasons has ended. In addition to removing an debris from on top of your unit, make sure that the area directly surrounding your air conditioner is also clear.

After clearing the debris on and around your unit, you should again check the interior, paying special attention to clean AC coils of any debris—a clogged coil is one of the main sources of unit malfunctioning and is a large concern after an AZ monsoon season. Dirt and debris can also be a major factor in contributing to indoor allergens in the home.

Schedule a Maintenance Check from A/C Professionals

One of the best things to do to ensure that your air conditioning unit is properly functioning following monsoon season is to schedule regular maintenance. Air conditioning maintenance is important throughout the year, but is especially crucial following an extreme event like monsoon season. Arizona HVAC maintenance specialists can fully examine your unit for any damage you might have missed in your initial check, giving you repair recommendations and advice for returning your system to its normal functioning. After your maintenance check is over, your a/c unit should be in great condition, ready for whatever unpredictable weather event that the Arizona climate has in store.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your new AC unit serviced. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

AZ Monsoon Season Ending: What Now for Your AC Unit?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What Air Handler Blower Speed Does an AC Unit Need?

Air handler blower speedFor your air conditioning system to perform at its best, it is important that you set your air handler blower speed at the proper speed. If you are still in the process of installing an AC, consider working with Tempe Arizona HVAC install specialists that will regularly service your system and ensure it is functioning to its utmost ability. If you already have a system and suspect possible issues with its air handler blower speed, here’s what you should do.

Does Your AC Have Issues with Improper Blower Speed?

It might seem like the best speed for your AC blower is as strong as possible, right? You would not be the first to assume that putting your AC on its “high” setting would provide you with the system’s most powerful cooling. However, this is often not the case.

If a blower speed is set too high, your AC might not be operating optimally. This is because the evaporator coil will not be able to adequately dehumidify the space in need of cooling.

On the other hand, if the blower speed is too low, your evaporator coil is at risk of “freezing.” This could result in liquid refrigerant floodback that would likely cause compressor failure.

It is possible that your AC’s air handler blower is functioning at the improper speed, and to maximize its performance, you should make sure that is not the case.

How to Calculate Your Current Blower Speed

The first step is determining the current speed of your blower so that you can see if it matches the speed recommended for your model.

To calculate your blower’s speed, you will need to measure its external static pressure (ESP). This reading will indicate whether your system has blocked registers or dirty filters.

This measurement can be difficult to gather, we recommend working with a technician who has the training needed to understand your system fully. Once you have gathered the necessary data, you can use the ESP and CFM measurements to read your manufacturer’s blower performance chart. Where the ESP reading meets the blower speed use, you will see the current CFM being delivered.

If you are unable to locate a blower performance chart from your manufacturer, then you will need to use an alternative method that calculating results from your measurements using a formula. Because this process is complicated, working with an expert in AC repair and maintenance is a worthwhile venture.

What is the Recommended Speed for Your Blower?

For peak performance, most AC manufacturers suggest that 400 cubic feet per minute (CFM) per ton of air conditioning should be used, meaning that 800 CFM should be moving through the evaporator coil for a 2-ton system, and so on.

With the help of a technician, you can easily raise or lower your air blower speed to meet these target requirements.

If you do not have a cooling system but are considering a Tempe AC unit install, make sure that whoever puts in your new system sets the blower to its appropriate speed. An experienced installer should have the knowledge and skill to set your blower correctly, ensuring your AC will operate to the best of its ability.


Contact the Tempe air conditioning installation experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your new AC unit installed correctly. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

What Air Handler Blower Speed Does an AC Unit Need?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

How to Test Your HVAC Unit After a New Installation

test your HVAC unitAfter you have had a new HVAC unit installed, you should run it through its paces to make sure that everything is working as it should be. There are three primary areas to look at when you test your HVAC unit: the controls, the ductwork and the vents. An HVAC system that is working efficiently has clear, apparent and near-immediate results, especially in the summer, so the process of testing your AC unit is relatively straightforward.

Testing Your Thermostat

Begin with a check of the control system for your HVAC system. Compare the temperature readout on the thermostat to a thermometer that is not connected to the system. If they differ, your thermostat may have a problem sensing the temperature of your house, and if your thermostat cannot tell when it needs to kick-in or stop, even an HVAC system that is otherwise in perfect order becomes unable to do its job.

Then, start to run a cooling test from the thermostat. An AC test is best after a few days during which the outdoor temperature has stayed above 65º Fahrenheit, and absolutely not lower than 60º Fahrenheit, to avoid stressing or damaging the system’s compressor. Set your thermostat to auto-regulate heating and cooling, and set the target temperature to a comfortable room temperature, typically between 76º F and 78º F. In the future you may want to program a time delay, but for the purposes of the test, make sure that the thermostat is set to start cooling immediately. The condenser and the fans should start running right away.

While it is working, take a few minutes to check the main HVAC unit, paying special attention to the HVAC sounds you hear, which can indicate different problems with the unit. Rattles and clanks indicate loose or disconnected parts, slapping sounds often mean that something has gotten stuck in the rotating blower and squeals at any time other than the first few seconds of start-up usually come either from belt problems, compressor issues or motors in need of lubrication. Many of these issues are delicate or difficult to fix on your own; look for Tempe Arizona HVAC installation technicians rather than trying a do-it-yourself repair job.

Checking the Ducts

Once the AC unit has been running for about ten minutes, the system should be cooling your house. Walk along the path from the unit to the air vents around the house, listening for unusual noises. Anything that has been left or lodged in the ductwork may interfere with the passage of cooled air to the rooms of your home. Rattling, flapping or hissing noises are more common here: the ducts do not have machinery to fail, and duct issues are usually either blockages or improper sealing that allows cooled air to leak, a major cause of wasted energy during the summer.

Examining the End Results

Finally, go from room to room throughout the house and check each air vent. Now that the system has been running for ten or more minutes, the cooled air should be circulating through the whole system, and all air vents should be providing noticeably cool air to the rooms. If vents in a certain room or a certain part of the house are not blowing, and you have checked that they are open, you may have a block or a leak farther in the ducts. Otherwise, your system is functioning correctly and should be able to bring your home to the correct temperature quickly and efficiently.


Contact the Tempe air conditioning installation experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about getting your new AC unit installed correctly. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

How to Test Your HVAC Unit After a New Installation