Monday, August 25, 2014

[New Post] Common Air Conditioning Problems In Phoenix AZ published on scottsdaleair

Air Conditioning ProblemsBelieve it or not, even the strongest AC units can experience air conditioning problems in Phoenix. And whether you’re living in Scottsdale, Peoria or any city inside the Phoenix Valley, it is very possible that your AC system is close to breaking down and requiring emergency repairs. Most of these issues however, can be solved through routine maintenance check-ups for AC systems in Phoenix. And just like routine maintenance for a car, it’s best to schedule an AC service tune-up before you experience any of these typical AC problems.

Top 3 AC Troubles In Phoenix

#1 – The Air Conditioning Unit Doesn’t Cool

Yes, when living in Arizona and your AC unit doesn’t cool this means you’ve got a serious problem. That might go down as one of the most obvious statements of all time. But, there are several specific issues that could be causing this to occur inside your home or commercial building:

  • The AC system is low on coolant.

  • The AC thermostat is out of calibration.

  • The AC filters are clogged up and need to be replaced.

  • The AC belts are broken, loose or simply need to be adjusted.

The easiest way to solve this particular issue is to contact an experienced AC repair specialist in Phoenix to come and complete a routine service check-up. Most of the time, if you tell them that your AC system is not cooling but it is running, the solution can be very simple to fix.

#2 – The AC System is Leaking Water

Among Phoenix homeowners, the issue with AC systems leaking water can be very frustrating. However, several potential culprits cause most of these issues including:

  • The AC drain line is not tight or has come apart.

  • Low refrigerant levels that cause excess freezing inside the unit. When the unit warms up, the ice turns to water that leaks.

  • Ductwork that is not sealed can lead to AC system leaking water.

  • Condenser unit is not working properly – this tends to be the big one here in Phoenix.

A leaking AC unit is not something that you want to avoid fixing. This could be a minor issue now, but if left unattended, it can – and often will – lead to further problems developing. Make sure if you have any AC leaking issues to contact your local HVAC repair specialist in Phoenix.

#3 – AC System is Making Loud Noises

One of the most annoying air conditioning problems in Phoenix is an AC system that is making loud noises. This problem however, can be attributed to something loose or broken within the internal AC system. If you notice that your AC unit is making more noise than usual, you need to quickly address this by contacting a repair company as soon as possible.

It’s very possible that you’ve experienced, or are currently experiencing, one of these common air conditioning problems that happen frequently in Arizona. If this is the case don’t delay. Make sure to take a proactive step by contacting your local HVA service company to come and inspect and repair your system as quickly as possible. Doing so will ensure that you will save money on expensive major repairs and have an AC system that will keep you cool all year.

When you are ready to take care of those annoying AC problems give Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling a call at 480.359.7141 today!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

[New Post] Typical Late-Summer Issues with HVAC Systems in Phoenix, AZ published on scottsdaleair

HVAC SystemsWhen properly maintained, HVAC systems in Phoenix tend to hold up quite nice considering the intense heat they have to combat. But, a truth that often is never discussed is just like any other mechanical device extensive use tends to accelerate the system’s life. And since we depend on having a strong HVAC unit keeping our commercial and residential buildings cool in the summer heat of Phoenix, it’s important to combat those late-summer issues that tend to pop up for HVAC units in Phoenix.

Three Common HVAC Problems Experienced In Late Summer In Phoenix

Coolant Issues For HVAC Systems In Phoenix

One of the most common problems that HVAC systems experience relates to coolant. In a perfect world, a commercial or residential HVAC unit would not need to have coolant charged as many of these systems are called ‘closed loop’ units where the coolant doesn’t leak. However, the reality of the matter is that extreme temperatures can cause damage to supporting parts on any HVAC system. For example, the coolant passes through hoses within any HVAC system and if exposed to hot conditions, those hoses can and often will leak.

The result here is that your HVAC system will need to have coolant added and the hose repaired or replaced to reduce the chance of this problem happening again. There are a few warning signs that will indicate this type of problem including:

  • Inconsistent temperature spikes. If the HVAC system in Phoenix is leaking coolant you’ll notice that the temperature will not be as cool as it should.

  • Consistent running of the HVAC system. If you’re unit is leaking coolant, it’ll also keep running until it reaches the desired temperature setting on the thermostat. If you notice that the system is running longer each day, contact a HVAC repair specialist in Phoenix.

Thermostat Issues With HVAC Systems In Phoenix

Another commonly repaired component of any commercial or residential HVAC system in Phoenix is the thermostat. From time to time, a thermostat will fall out of calibration. And when this occurs, it’s important for you to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Some of the things that cause a thermostat to become ‘broken’ include:

  • Frequent adjustments. It’s not uncommon for different people to have different comfort levels. And the quickest way for somebody to feel comfortable is to adjust the thermostat. However, when multiple people make adjustments, it can cause damage to the thermostat.

  • Bumping into the thermostat. This is very typical in households in Phoenix with kids (especially teens) running around the house. When a thermostat gets bumped, it can fall out of calibration very easily. Believe it or not, a thermostat is a precision tuned unit. If you notice that your HVAC system in Phoenix is not running as well as it should, consider having your thermostat calibrated.

Regardless of the type of HVAC system in Phoenix you have, the best way to keep it running strong all year is to have a post-summer or mid-summer inspection completed by a licensed HVAC service professional. Simply taking time to examine the HVAC unit for wear and tear and potential issues that could arise could save you a ton of money and time on repairs.

Don’t wait until the issues are out-of-hand, call Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling today at 480.359.7141

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

[New Post] My Air Conditioner Is Making Noise: What Can I Do? published on scottsdaleair

air conditioner noiseIt’s never fun to hear a strange noise coming from any major appliance. Traditionally this means a call to the repair guy and an expenditure of money you simply didn’t plan on spending. However, when it comes to the AC system, there are a few things you can do at home before making the call to the HVAC repair company when you hear air conditioner noise. This will help the HVAC contractor quickly fix and repair your AC system before more damage occurs.

Three Easy Tips To Diagnose The Cause Of Air Conditioner Noise

Tip #1 – Document When You Heard The Noise

The best tool for any contractor to use when attempting to fix something is having information about the actual problem. In the case of hearing air conditioner noise in Scottsdale, the best thing that you can do at home is to document when you heard the noise – and anytime you hear similar noises coming from the AC system.

Here are a few things to consider and write down:

  • What time of day did you hear the noise?

  • What was the temperature outside?

  • What temperature was set on the thermostat when the noise occurred?

  • Were there any other major appliances running at the same time you heard the noise?

  • How often does the noise occur?

  • Describe the sound that the air conditioning system is making.

These six basic questions will significantly help any HVAC contractor diagnose and repair your system.

Tip #2 – Don’t Try And Fix It Yourself

No matter how handy you might be around the house, trying to fix a noisy air conditioner yourself could lead to some significant safety concerns.

  • First, remember that an AC unit is an electrically charged major appliance. And unless you’re a certified electrician or a licensed HVAC contractor, you should always treat the actual air conditioning unit as a potentially hazardous piece of equipment.

  • Second, AC systems are very complex. Sometimes simply taking off a cover can damage the entire unit.

  • Third, if the AC system is leaking refrigerant and you inhale these fumes, it could cause lung damage.

As tempting as it might be to try a DIY repair with an air conditioner that is making noise in Scottsdale, always leave it to the pros.

Tip #3 – Record The Noise With A Mobile Device

They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, however, when it comes to diagnosing that troubling air conditioner noise, it’s always best to get it recorded. Many of today’s smart phones come equipped with a recording device for people to record notes and other stuff. Why not use this to record the noise from the AC unit for the contractor to listen to himself? Not only will this give the contractor a good example of the sound and allow them to complete the repairs, but it could save you time and money as well.

Anytime you notice that annoying air conditioner noise, do your best to follow these three simple steps and you’ll be able to provide the HVAC contractor with valuable information to help them diagnose and fix your system in no time.

Don’t take anymore of that noisy air conditioner, call Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling at 480-359-7141 today!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

[New Post] Air Conditioner Depreciation And Rental Unit Owners Concerns published on scottsdaleair

air conditioner depreciation

One of the biggest advantages of owning a rental property is the tax benefits and deductions available to the owner. Whenever you replace or fix a major appliance inside a rental property, a major consideration is the taxes potentially paid or deducted. And when you have to replace the AC system, you might want to consider air conditioner depreciation as a cost efficient method to spread your tax savings and investment over a long-term period – up to 27.5 years.

Air Conditioning Depreciation And Its Impact On Rental Unit Owners

Fact #1 – What is Air Conditioner Depreciation?

In general, when you replace or repair an item inside a rental unit, you have two options:

  • First, if you repair an item like an AC unit, you can deduct the total cost of the repair on that individual year taxes. That’s known as a single deduction.

  • Second, if you replace the unit, you have the option to depreciate that cost and spread it out over a period of a few years. Based on recent IRS regulations it is up to 27.5 years.

When you repair an item, you’re returning the value of the home to status quo. However, when you replace an item, you are making an improvement, increasing the value of the property. So how does that impact you financially? Here is an example:

Let’s say that you decide to make a repair to your home AC system that costs you a total of $1,000. The licensed HVAC contractor arrives and makes the repairs, you pay them and everybody is happy. At the end of the year, when you file taxes for that property, you’ll have to deduct that repair cost during that individual year. However, if you replace the unit, and the cost is $3,000, you’ll have to depreciate this cost over a period of 27.5 years. So instead of having $1,000 tax deduction, you’ll only have about $105 deduction each year.

That’s a huge difference. But you’ll get that same deduction every year you file taxes and own that rental property. So you’ll have to determine what is best for your individual needs.

Fact #2 – How Does The IRS Classify Repairs Vs. Improvement

Began January 1st, 2014, the IRS classified a property improvement under three different sections:

  • Betterment of a property

  • Adaptation of the property

  • Restoration of the property

The easiest way to remember this is under the acronym BAR. All three equate to an improvement of the property and qualify the large expense as depreciation – not a deduction.

What Is Betterment?

You can create air conditioner depreciation under the betterment classification if:

  • The improvement ameliorates a material condition or defect in the property that existed before you acquired the rental property. This means if you add a new air conditioner that increases the size of the property in some way (this is not typical). However, one that is common is if the addition of the new AC unit creates a material increase, which increases the productivity, quality, capacity or strength of the property.

What Are Adaptations?

This is typically used for room additions or adapting the space to create greater value. Not typically used in AC depreciation.

What Is Restoration?

This one is pretty simple to consider. If the addition or replacement of the new air conditioner restores the property value, this is when you’d use this classification.

As you can see, there are some new restrictions that the IRS has made in 2014 that actually help allocate tax deductions over a larger period. For more information about air conditioner depreciation and how to best use this deduction for your individual rental property, always defer to legal or accountant advice.

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