Tuesday, April 25, 2017

3 Life Changing Nest Thermostat Tips and Tricks

Nest Thermostat tips and tricksSmart home technologies are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners across the country, and one of the most exciting pieces of smart tech on the market today is the Nest Thermostat. A completely digital smart thermostat, the Nest thermostat can help to improve the energy efficiency of your home and make sure that your family always has their optimal level of comfort.

If you’ve been thinking about adding a Nest to your home, one of the most important things you can do is to learn about some of the amazing tips and tricks available to you with this system. Discover a few exciting Nest Thermostat tips and tricks and find out how this smart technology can make your life easier.

Pair Your Thermostat with a Fitness Tracker

If you’re a health-conscious person, then chances are you own some sort of fitness tracker. While fitness trackers are a great way to improve your habits and maximize your health, they can also be a fantastic solution for getting the most out of your heating and cooling system.

When you have a Nest thermostat in your home, you can pair it with your fitness tracker. Your Nest thermostat will use the sleep habit information gathered by your fitness tracker to adjust the temperature level in your home that it is ideal for sleep. Pairing your Nest thermostat with a Nest compatible fitness tracker improves your sleep and ensures that you’ll never have to get out of bed to adjust the temperature in your home.

Use Google Now

One of the most exciting factors of installing a Nest Thermostat in your home is having the ability to incorporate Google Now technology to add to your level of convenience. When combined with a Nest Thermostat, Google Now can help you maximize control of your air conditioning system and can increase your overall level of comfort.

For example, Google Now allows you to adjust your Nest temperature setting using only your voice. In addition, Google Now provides a GPS component that allows your Nest thermostat to track your location. This allows Nest to adjust your home’s temperature when you leave so that you save energy and then re-adjust your temperature to your ideal comfort level when it detects you are returning home.

Install Smart Vents

When a homeowner is interested in installing smart technology such as the Nest thermostat, one of their major goals is likely to improve their home’s energy efficiency. If you want to use your Nest thermostat to optimize your efficiency level, then you need to consider pairing your thermostat with Smart Vents.

With Smart Vents and Nest, you can individually control the temperature in each room of your home. This means that you can direct the energy used by your HVAC system wherever it is needed, reducing your overall energy costs. This can also ensure that every member of your family is as comfortable as possible, no matter the room.

When you’re ready to install a Nest thermostat in your home, you need to schedule an HVAC repair in Scottsdale AZ. A trusted local HVAC repair company can prepare your system for a Nest thermostat and can help you get the most out of this exciting smart technology.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

3 Life Changing Nest Thermostat Tips and Tricks

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

How Important are Air Conditioning Tune-Up Services?

air conditioning tune-up servicesIn your home, there is no more important piece of equipment than your air conditioner, and like any piece of equipment, your air conditioner needs regular professional services to stay working its best. Understandably, many homeowners resist scheduling regular tune-up services because of cost and convenience. However, if you want to make sure you get the most out of your air conditioning system, scheduling regular maintenance is of the utmost importance.

Before you schedule an air conditioner tune-up, it can be a good idea to learn about the many benefits of regular service. Read about the importance of air conditioning tune-up services and find out why your air conditioner needs inspection from an experienced contractor.

Maintain Your Efficiency

Over time, your air conditioner will experience a tremendous amount of wear and tear, and while most homeowners are aware this can result in expensive repairs, many people don’t understand that it can also reduce your AC unit’s efficiency. When there is a problem with your HVAC system, it can’t run at its optimal capacity, which can end up costing you big money on your energy bills.

Tuning up your AC can make sure that you are always getting maximum efficiency out of your HVAC system. Not only does this result in impressive energy savings, it also ensures that you and your family are at your ideal comfort level.

Detect Developing Problems

With air conditioners, just like with all of your home’s major systems, problems often go unnoticed until it’s too late. Small air conditioner problems have a way of turning into large disasters, possibly forcing you into covering expensive repair bills or even completely replacing your air conditioning unit.

The biggest benefit of scheduling regular HVAC maintenance is that your HVAC professional can detect these minor issues before the spiral out of control. During the course of a regular inspection, your technician will examine every major component of your air conditioner and will be able to identify any existing or developing problems. Catching these issues early on can save you a great deal of money in the long run.

Increase Your Unit Lifespan

An air conditioner is one of the largest investments that you’ll ever make as a homeowner, often costing thousands of dollars to purchase the unit alone. Because installing an HVAC system is so expensive, you want to make sure that your unit lasts as long as possible, and this is perhaps the main benefit of serving your HVAC unit on a regular basis.

By scheduling regular service for your HVAC unit, you’ll be able to ensure that it lasts for its entire projected lifespan. Typically, an air conditioning unit will last between ten and fifteen years if properly maintained. If you’re the type of person who wants to make sure they protect their investments, having your air conditioner regularly inspected and maintenance is one of the smartest decisions you can make.

If you want to make sure your air conditioner lasts for years to come and runs efficiently, you need to schedule regular tune-ups from a Carefree HVAC repair company. When you work with the right repair company, you’ll be able to get the most out of your air conditioning system.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

How Important are Air Conditioning Tune-Up Services?

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How Long Should an Air Conditioner Run During a Day?

how long should an air conditioner runYour air conditioner is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your home. Without a properly running air conditioner, you won’t be able to regulate the temperature of your home or keep your family comfortable. To make sure that their air conditioning system lasts as long as possible, many homeowners want to know how long their air conditioner should run during the day and how they can get the most efficiency out of their system.

Find out how long should an air conditioner run and find out what to do if your system seems to be running more than you would like.

Determining Cycles Per Hour

If you’re not experienced with the functioning of your air conditioning system, then you might not be aware that an air conditioner’s run time is measured in cycles. To effectively maintain the temperature in your home, your air conditioner should cycle two to three times every single hour. In mid weather, a cycle should only last for ten to fifteen minutes.

When it seems like your air conditioner is constantly turning on or off, it can mean you’re experiencing an air conditioner problem known as short cycling. If your air conditioner isn’t running the correct number of cycles, then you should think about scheduling Arcadia AC repair.

Length to Cool Your Home

When it comes to running an AC unit, many homeowners in Arcadia want to know how long it will take their air conditioner to cool their home. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is different for every home and air conditioning units used to help cool the home.

For example, factors that can influence how long it takes your AC unit to cool your home can include the size of your air conditioning unit, the size of your home, outdoor temperature conditions and how warm you’ve allowed your home to become before turning on your air conditioner.

However, if it seems like your air conditioner is taking too long to adjust your home to your set temperature, you may need to contact a repair professional. Air conditioners that struggle to cool a home may have a serious issue developing that shouldn’t be ignored.

Don’t Ignore a Continuously Running System

Now that you know about the regular cycling of your air conditioning system and the issues that can determine how long it takes to cool your home, there is one major problem that you need to be aware of: A continuously running air conditioner.

A continuously running air conditioner can mean big problems, both for your energy bills and the lifespan of an HVAC unit. Several issues could be causing your air conditioner to run non-stop, including a problem with your thermostat, damage to your evaporator coil or clogged air filters. If you cannot get your system to shut down, you should contact a repair professional to service your system.

If it seems like your air conditioner isn’t running like it should, your best solution is to contact an Arcadia AC repair company about your system. An air conditioner repair company will be able to fully inspect your air conditioning system and fix any problems that are causing it to cycle improperly. In addition, your AC technician can give you tips for how long you should run your system and what length of time you can expect before your home is cool.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about repairing your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!


Read related articles:

How Long Should an Air Conditioner Run During a Day?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Green Home Living: New Technology in the HVAC Field

new technology in the HVAC fieldOne of the most exciting trends for homeowners across the country is the use of green technology. While every area of your home can benefit from the use of green tech, perhaps the most beneficial use of green technology is in your HVAC system.

In recent years, there have been several exciting developments in green HVAC technology, and if you’re interested in improving the energy efficiency of your home, it’s important that you learn about these new technologies. Read about some of the best new technology in the HVAC field and find out how a plumbing contractor can help install this tech in your home.

Energy Analysis

Homeowners who are new to green living may be unaware of the level of energy inefficiency in their home. If you’re interested in using new HVAC technology in your home, then one of your best options is choosing energy analysis software. With energy analysis software, you can identify the inefficient areas of your home and work to improve these areas so that you can better live the green lifestyle.

The great thing about smart home technology for AC units is that it can be incorporated to your thermostat that so you can access information on your home’s HVAC efficiency. If you’re interested in making your home greener, you should be sure to consult Scottsdale AC technicians about the best way to use this technology in your home.

Quiet Duct Wrap

Many homeowners don’t realize that low energy efficiency usually stems from a problem with their home’s ductwork. Leaks in the ductwork in your home can result in a loss of airflow and a drop in your overall efficiency level, which is why one of the best pieces of home HVAC technology you should know about is Quiet Duct Wrap by The Green Products Company.

Made from landfill recovered denim, Quiet Duct Wrap is produced to be as green as possible. In addition, Quiet Duct Wrap can be used to line the ductwork in your home to seal any existing leaks and to improve your home’s level of efficiency. Installing Quiet Duct Wrap in your home is a great way to use green technology.

Thermally Driven

The majority of HVAC systems are powered by electricity, which is what allows them to be so efficient. However, if you’re interested in maximizing the efficiency of your home and using exciting new green technology, you should consider installing a thermally driven HVAC system. Instead of electricity, thermally driven HVAC systems run on a combination of gas and solar power.

In addition to costing a lot less than traditional HVAC systems, thermally driven systems are much more environmentally friendly, which is an important component of using green technology in your home. Also, since thermally driven systems use two power sources, thermally driven systems are base load capable.

If you’re interested in using any of these excellent pieces of HVAC technology in your home, contact Scottsdale HVAC technicians. An experienced HVAC technician will be able to tell you which pieces of green technology are right for your home and can help you plan an installation.


Contact the air conditioning experts at Scottsdale Air Heating & Cooling to learn more about annual maintenance on your HVAC unit today. Email us or call 480-359-7141 now!

Read related articles:

Green Home Living: New Technology in the HVAC Field