A growing trend among Arizona homeowners is the installation of split system air conditioning inside their homes. Like a heat pump system, the introduction of this new technology is providing homeowners with several benefits that go much further than keeping your home cool in summertime.
3 Commonly Asked Questions About Split System Air Conditioners And Their Benefits
Question #1 – What is a Split System AC Unit?
A split system air conditioning unit is exactly as it’s named – split into two different sections: the outdoor unit and an indoor unit. Traditionally the outside portion is installed near a wall or outside a particular room that you want to cool. This outdoor system houses the AC compressor, condenser coils and the expansion coils, while the indoor system includes fans to circulate air and to keep your home cool.
Question #2 – How does a Split System differ from traditional AC Units?
The biggest difference between a split system and a traditional AC unit is that it does not require a lot of ductwork. Instead, the split system uses several electrical wires and tubing to circulate air throughout your home. Not only is this a more affordable solution but also it’s better for the environment. Ductwork tends to cause older AC units to operate very inefficiently due to the fact that ductwork will leak over a period of time. By removing this element from the indoor air-cooling equation, you are able to save considerable energy and increase efficiency.
Question #3 – What are the Benefits of a Split Air Conditioning System
The new split system AC units provide Arizona homeowners with several benefits including:
- They are much quieter systems. The parts that make the most noise with air conditioning systems include the compressor and fans that will cool the condenser are located outside the home. This removes the majority of noise and allows an higher comfort level.
- They offer homeowners customizable options to increase comfort and maximize efficiency. Another benefit of these systems is that they can be tailor-made to cool individual rooms or larger rooms as needed. This increases efficiency and can save money on utilities as well.
Split system air conditioning units offer homeowners with more options to keep their homes cool during the extreme summer heat. One minor hurdle is the initial cost of these units. However, they have been shown to save a tremendous amount of money in monthly energy bills and tend to last longer than traditional systems.
Since most homeowners are looking for value these days, a split air conditioning system is one that not only keeps your home comfortable, but will also save money each month the unit is in operation. This allows you to spend a little bit of money now, to save a lot of money down the road. And in today’s economic climate, this aspect is one that truly pays off in the long term.
Read the full story at: http://www.scottsdaleair.com/learn-what-a-split-system-air-conditioner-can-really-do/